Перевод: со всех языков на английский

с английского на все языки

complex approach

  • 1 complex adaptive system

    Gen Mgt
    a system that overrides conventional human controls because those controls will subdue inevitable change and development within that system. Complex adaptive systems are a product of the application of chaos theory (see chaos) and complexity theory to the world of organizations. According to writers such as Richard Pascale, organizations that are subject to too much control are at risk of failure. The bureaucracy has been cited as an example of extreme control and the top down approach to management. However, if a bureaucracy is left to adapt naturally, it could become capable of self-organization and of creating new methods of operating.

    The ultimate business dictionary > complex adaptive system

  • 2 комплексный подход

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > комплексный подход

  • 3 подход

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > подход

  • 4 подход

    1) ( действие и место) approach; воен. approach march
    2) (к; умение подойти) method of approaching (d); ( отношение к чему-л) approach (to), attitude (to, towards)

    индивидуа́льный подхо́д — individual approach

    ко́мплексный подхо́д (к) — complex approach (to)

    пра́вильный подхо́д — the right method of approach

    пра́вильный подхо́д к де́лу — correct / right approach to the matter


    на подхо́де (к) — on the way (to)

    быть на подхо́де (об ожидаемом ребёнке)be on the way

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > подход

  • 5 комплексный

    complex; composite; integrated; combined; all-inclusive

    ко́мплексный обе́д — (fixed) meal

    ко́мплексный подхо́д — integrated approach

    ко́мплексный показа́тель — composite index / rating

    ко́мплексная програ́мма — comprehensive programme

    ко́мплексное обслу́живание — all-inclusive service

    ко́мплексные чи́сла мат.complex numbers

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > комплексный

  • 6 комплексний

    Українсько-англійський словник > комплексний

  • 7 метод

    approach, device, manner, mean, method, mode, practice, procedure, system, technique, technology, theory, way
    * * *
    ме́тод м.
    method; procedure; technique
    агрегатнопото́чный ме́тод — conveyor-type production [production-line] method
    аксиомати́ческий ме́тод — axiomatic [postulational] method
    ме́тод амплиту́дного ана́лиза — kick-sorting method
    анаглифи́ческий ме́тод картогр.anaglyphic(al) method
    ме́тод аналити́ческой вста́вки топ. — cantilever extension, cantilever (strip) triangulation
    ме́тод быстре́йшего спу́ска стат.steepest descent method
    вариацио́нный ме́тод — variational method
    ме́тод Верне́йля радиоVerneuil method
    весово́й ме́тод — gravimetric method
    ме́тод ветве́й и грани́ц киб.branch and bound method
    ме́тод взба́лтывания — shake method
    визуа́льный ме́тод — visual method
    ме́тод возду́шной прое́кции — aero-projection method
    ме́тод враще́ния — method of revolution
    ме́тод вреза́ния — plunge-cut method
    ме́тод вре́мени пролё́та — time-of-flight method
    вре́мя-и́мпульсный ме́тод ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — pulse-counting method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод встре́чного фрезерова́ния — conventional [cut-up] milling method
    ме́тод вы́бега эл.retardation method
    ме́тод вымета́ния мат.sweep(ing)-out method
    ме́тод гармони́ческого бала́нса киб., автмт.describing function method
    ме́тод гармони́ческой линеариза́ции — describing function method
    голографи́ческий ме́тод — holographic method
    гравиметри́ческий ме́тод — gravimetric(al) method
    графи́ческий ме́тод — graphical method
    ме́тод графи́ческого трансформи́рования топ.grid method
    графоаналити́ческий ме́тод — semigraphical method
    ме́тод гра́фов мат.graph method
    группово́й ме́тод ( в высокочастотной телефонии) — grouped-frequency basis
    систе́ма рабо́тает групповы́м ме́тодом — the system operates on the grouped-frequency basis
    ме́тод двух ре́ек геод., топ. — two-staff [two-base] method
    ме́тод двух узло́в ( в анализе электрических цепей) — nodal-pair method
    ме́тод дирекцио́нных угло́в геод.method of gisements
    ме́тод запа́са про́чности ( в расчетах конструкции) — load factor method
    ме́тод засе́чек афс.resection method
    ме́тод зерка́льных изображе́ний эл.method of electrical images
    ме́тод зо́нной пла́вки ( в производстве монокристаллов полупроводниковых материалов) — floating-zone method, floating-zone technique
    ме́тод избы́точных концентра́ций ( для опробования гипотетического механизма реакции) — isolation method (of the testing the rate equations)
    ме́тод измере́ния, абсолю́тный — absolute [fundamental] method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, конта́ктный — contact method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, ко́свенный — indirect method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния, относи́тельный — relative method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния по то́чкам — point-by-point method
    ме́тод измере́ния, прямо́й — direct method of measurement
    ме́тод измере́ния угло́в по аэросни́мкам — photogoniometric method
    ме́тод изображе́ний эл. — method of images, image method
    ме́тод изото́пных индика́торов — tracer method
    иммерсио́нный ме́тод — immersion method
    и́мпульсный ме́тод свар.pulse method
    ме́тод и́мпульсов — momentum-transfer method
    ме́тод инве́рсии — inversion method
    и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа, основно́й вчт. — basic indexed sequential access method, BISAM
    и́ндексно-после́довательный ме́тод до́ступа с очередя́ми вчт. — queued indexed sequential access method, BISAM
    интерференцио́нный ме́тод — interferometric method
    ме́тод испыта́ний — testing procedure, testing method
    ме́тод испыта́ний, кисло́тный — acid test
    ме́тод испыта́ний, пане́льный — panel-spalling test
    ме́тод испыта́тельной строки́ тлв.test-line method
    ме́тод иссле́дований напряже́ний, опти́ческий — optical stress analysis
    ме́тод истече́ния — efflux method
    ме́тод итера́ции — iteration method, iteration technique
    ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges to a solution
    ме́тод итера́ции приво́дит к (бы́строй или ме́дленной) сходи́мости проце́сса — the iteration (process) converges quickly or slowly
    ме́тод картосоставле́ния — map-compilation [plotting] method
    ме́тод кача́ющегося криста́лла ( в рентгеноструктурном анализе) — rotating-crystal method
    ка́чественный ме́тод — qualitative method
    кессо́нный ме́тод — caisson method
    коли́чественный ме́тод — quantitative method
    колориметри́ческий ме́тод — colorimetric method
    ме́тод кольца́ и ша́ра — ball-and-ring method
    комплексометри́ческий ме́тод ( для определения жёсткости воды) — complexometric method
    кондуктометри́ческий ме́тод — conductance-measuring method
    ме́тод коне́чных ра́зностей — finite difference method
    ме́тод консерви́рования — curing method
    ме́тод контро́ля, дифференци́рованный — differential control method
    ме́тод контро́ля ка́чества — quality control method
    ме́тод ко́нтурных то́ков — mesh-current [loop] method
    ме́тод ко́нуса — cone method
    ме́тод корнево́го годо́графа киб., автмт.root-locus method
    корреляцио́нный ме́тод — correlation method
    ко́свенный ме́тод — indirect method
    ме́тод кра́сок ( в дефектоскопии) — dye-penetrant method
    лаборато́рный ме́тод — laboratory method
    ме́тод ла́ковых покры́тий ( в сопротивлении материалов) — brittle-varnish method
    ме́тод лине́йной интерполя́ции — method of proportional parts
    ме́тод Ляпуно́ва аргд.Lyapunov's method
    ме́тод магни́тного порошка́ ( в дефектоскопии) — magnetic particle [magnetic powder] method
    магни́тно-люминесце́нтный ме́тод ( в дефектоскопии) — fluorescent magnetic particle method
    ме́тод ма́лого пара́метра киб., автмт. — perturbation theory, perturbation method
    ме́тод ма́лых возмуще́ний аргд.perturbation method
    ме́тод мгнове́нной равносигна́льной зо́ны рлк. — simultaneous lobing [monopulse] method
    ме́тод механи́ческой обрабо́тки — machining method
    ме́тод ме́ченых а́томов — tracer method
    ме́тод микрометри́рования — micrometer method
    ме́тод мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers
    ме́тод моме́нтных площаде́й мех.area moment method
    ме́тод Мо́нте-Ка́рло мат.Monte Carlo method
    ме́тод навига́ции, дальноме́рный ( пересечение двух окружностей) — rho-rho [r-r] navigation
    ме́тод навига́ции, угломе́рный ( пересечение двух линий пеленга) — theta-theta [q-q] navigation
    ме́тод наиме́ньших квадра́тов — method of least squares, least-squares technique
    ме́тод наискоре́йшего спу́ска мат.method of steepest descent
    ме́тод нака́чки ( лазера) — pumping [excitation] method
    ме́тод накопле́ния яд. физ. — “backing-space” method
    ме́тод наложе́ния — method of superposition
    ме́тод напыле́ния — evaporation technique
    ме́тод нару́жных заря́дов горн.adobe blasting method
    ме́тод незави́симых стереопа́р топ.method of independent image pairs
    ненулево́й ме́тод — deflection method
    ме́тод неопределё́нных мно́жителей Лагра́нжа — Lagrangian multiplier method, Lagrange's method of undetermined multipliers
    ме́тод неподви́жных то́чек — method of fixed points
    неразруша́ющий ме́тод — non-destructive method, non-destructive testing
    нерекурси́вный ме́тод — non-recursive method
    нето́чный ме́тод — inexact method
    нефелометри́ческий ме́тод — nephelometric method
    ме́тод нивели́рования по частя́м — method of fraction levelling
    нулево́й ме́тод — null [zero(-deflection) ] method
    ме́тод нулевы́х бие́ний — zero-beat method
    ме́тод нулевы́х то́чек — neutral-points method
    ме́тод обеспе́чения надё́жности — reliability method
    ме́тод обрабо́тки — processing [working, tooling] method
    ме́тод обра́тной простра́нственной засе́чки топ.method of pyramid
    обра́тно-ступе́нчатый ме́тод свар.step-back method
    ме́тод объединё́нного а́тома — associate atom method
    объекти́вный ме́тод — objective method
    объё́мный ме́тод — volumetric method
    ме́тод одного́ отсчё́та ( преобразование непрерывной информации в дискретную) — the total value method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    окисли́тельно-восстанови́тельный ме́тод — redox method
    опера́торный ме́тод — operational method
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рно-пеленгацио́нный ( пересечение прямой и окружности) — rho-theta [r-q] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, дальноме́рный ( пересечение двух окружностей) — rho-rho [r-r] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния ме́ста, пеленгацио́нный ( пересечение двух линий пеленга) — theta-theta [q-q] fixing
    ме́тод определе́ния отбе́ливаемости и цве́тности ма́сел — bleach-and-colour method
    ме́тод определе́ния положе́ния ли́нии, двукра́тный геод.double-line method
    ме́тод опти́ческой корреля́ции — optical correlation technique
    ме́тод осажде́ния — sedimentation method
    ме́тод осо́бых возмуще́ний аргд.singular perturbation method
    ме́тод осредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
    ме́тод отбо́ра проб — sampling method, sampling technique
    ме́тод отклоне́ния — deflection method
    ме́тод отопле́ния метал.fuel practice
    ме́тод отраже́ния — reflection method
    ме́тод отражё́нных и́мпульсов — pulse-echo method
    ме́тод отыска́ния произво́дной, непосре́дственный — delta method
    ме́тод па́дающего те́ла — falling body method
    ме́тод парамагни́тного резона́нса — paramagnetic-resonance method
    ме́тод пе́рвого приближе́ния — first approximation method
    ме́тод перева́ла мат.saddle-point method
    ме́тод перено́са коли́чества движе́ния аргд.momentum-transfer method
    ме́тод перераспределе́ния моме́нтов ( в расчёте конструкций) — moment distribution method
    ме́тод пересека́ющихся луче́й — crossed beam method
    ме́тод перехо́дного состоя́ния ( в аналитической химии) — transition state method
    ме́тод перпендикуля́ров — offset method
    ме́тод перспекти́вных се́ток топ.grid method
    ме́тод пескова́ния с.-х.sanding method
    пикнометри́ческий ме́тод — bottle method
    ме́тод площаде́й физ.area method
    ме́тод повторе́ний геод. — method of reiteration, repetition method
    ме́тод подбо́ра — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    ме́тод подо́бия — similitude method
    ме́тод подориенти́рования топ.setting on points of control
    ме́тод по́лной деформа́ции — total-strain method
    ме́тод полови́нных отклоне́ний — half-deflection method
    ме́тод положе́ния геод. — method of bearings, method of gisements
    полуколи́чественный ме́тод — semiquantitative method
    ме́тод поля́рных координа́т — polar method
    ме́тод попу́тного фрезерова́ния — climb [cut-down] milling method
    порошко́вый ме́тод ( в рентгеноструктурном анализе) — powder [Debye-Scherer-Hull] method
    ме́тод посе́ва — seeding technique
    ме́тод после́довательного счё́та ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — incremental method (of analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод после́довательных исключе́ний — successive exclusion method
    ме́тод после́довательных подстано́вок — method of successive substitution, substitution process
    ме́тод после́довательных попра́вок — successive correction method
    ме́тод после́довательных приближе́ний — successive approximation method
    ме́тод после́довательных элимина́ций — method of exhaustion
    ме́тод послесплавно́й диффу́зии полупр.post-alloy-diffusion technique
    потенциометри́ческий компенсацио́нный ме́тод — potentiometric method
    пото́чно-конве́йерный ме́тод — flow-line conveyor method
    пото́чный ме́тод — straight-line flow method
    ме́тод прерыва́ний ( для измерения скорости света) — chopped-beam method
    приближё́нный ме́тод — approximate method
    ме́тод проб и оши́бок — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    ме́тод программи́рующих програ́мм — programming program method
    ме́тод продолже́ния топ.setting on points on control
    ме́тод проекти́рования, моде́льно-маке́тный — model-and-mock-up method of design
    ме́тод простра́нственного коди́рования ( преобразования аналоговой информации в дискретную) — coded pattern method (OF analog-to-digital conversion)
    ме́тод простра́нственной самофикса́ции — self-fixation space method
    прямо́й ме́тод — direct method
    ме́тод псевдослуча́йных чи́сел — pseudorandom number method
    ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны рлк. — lobing, beam [lobe] switching
    ме́тод равносигна́льной зо́ны, мгнове́нный рлк. — simultaneous lobing, monopulse
    ме́тод ра́вных высо́т геод.equal-altitude method
    ме́тод ра́вных деформа́ций ( в проектировании бетонных конструкций) — equal-strain method
    ме́тод ра́вных отклоне́ний — equal-deflection method
    радиацио́нный ме́тод — radiation method
    ме́тод радиоавтогра́фии — radioautograph technique
    ме́тод радиоакти́вных индика́торов — tracer method
    радиометри́ческий ме́тод — radiometric method
    ме́тод разбавле́ния — dilution method
    ме́тод разделе́ния тлв.separation method
    ме́тод разделе́ния переме́нных — method of separation of variables
    ме́тод разли́вки метал. — teeming [pouring, casting] practice
    ме́тод разме́рностей — dimensional method
    ра́зностный ме́тод — difference method
    ме́тод разруша́ющей нагру́зки — load-factor method
    разруша́ющий ме́тод — destructive check
    ме́тод рассе́яния Рэле́я — Rayleigh scattering method
    ме́тод ра́стра тлв.grid method
    ме́тод ра́стрового скани́рования — raster-scan method
    ме́тод расчё́та по допусти́мым нагру́зкам — working stress design [WSD] method
    ме́тод расчё́та по разруша́ющим нагру́зкам стр. — ultimate-strength design [USD] method
    ме́тод расчё́та при по́мощи про́бной нагру́зки стр.trial-load method
    ме́тод расчё́та, упру́гий стр.elastic method
    резона́нсный ме́тод — resonance method
    ме́тод реитера́ций геод. — method of reiteration, repetition method
    рентгенострукту́рный ме́тод — X-ray diffraction method
    ме́тод реше́ния зада́чи о четвё́ртой то́чке геод.three-point method
    ме́тод решета́ мат.sieve method
    ру́порно-ли́нзовый ме́тод радиоhorn-and-lens method
    ме́тод самоторможе́ния — retardation method
    ме́тод сви́лей — schlieren technique, schlieren method
    ме́тод сдви́нутого сигна́ла — offset-signal method
    ме́тод секу́щих — secant method
    ме́тод се́рого кли́на физ.gray-wedge method
    ме́тод се́ток мат., вчт.net(-point) method
    ме́тод сече́ний ( в расчёте напряжений в фермах) — method of sections
    символи́ческий ме́тод — method of complex numbers
    ме́тод симметри́чных составля́ющих — method of symmetrical components, symmetrical component method
    ме́тод синхро́нного накопле́ния — synchronous storage method
    ме́тод скани́рования полосо́й — single-line-scan television method
    ме́тод скани́рования пятно́м — spot-scan photomultiplier method
    ме́тод смеще́ния отде́льных узло́в стр.method of separate joint displacement
    ме́тод совпаде́ний — coincidence method
    ме́тод сосредото́ченных пара́метров — lumped-parameter method
    ме́тод спада́ния заря́да — fall-of-charge method
    спектроскопи́ческий ме́тод — spectroscopic method
    ме́тод спира́льного скани́рования — spiral-scan method
    ме́тод сплавле́ния — fusion method
    ме́тод сплошны́х сред ( в моделировании) — continuous field analog technique
    ме́тод сре́дних квадра́тов — midsquare method
    статисти́ческий ме́тод — statistical technique
    статисти́ческий ме́тод оце́нки — statistical estimation
    ме́тод статисти́ческих испыта́ний — Monte Carlo method
    стробоголографи́ческий ме́тод — strobo-holographic method
    стробоскопи́ческий ме́тод — stroboscopic method
    стру́йный ме́тод метал.jet test
    ступе́нчатый ме́тод ( сварки или сверления) — step-by-step method
    субъекти́вный ме́тод — subjective method
    ме́тод сухо́го озоле́ния — dry combustion method
    ме́тод сухо́го порошка́ ( в дефектоскопии) — dry method
    счё́тно-и́мпульсный ме́тод — pulse-counting method
    табли́чный ме́тод — diagram method
    телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной аэросъё́мки — television method
    телевизио́нный ме́тод электро́нной фотограмме́трии — television method
    тенево́й ме́тод — (direct-)shadow method
    термоанемометри́ческий ме́тод — hot-wire method
    топологи́ческий ме́тод — topological method
    ме́тод то́чечного вплавле́ния полупр.dot alloying method
    то́чный ме́тод — exact [precision] method
    ме́тод травле́ния, гидри́дный — sodium hydride descaling
    ме́тод трапецеида́льных характери́стик — Floyd's trapezoidal approximation method, approximation procedure
    ме́тод трёх баз геод.three-base method
    ме́тод триангуля́ции — triangulation method
    ме́тод трилатера́ции геод.trilateration method
    ме́тод углово́й деформа́ции — slope-deflection method
    ме́тод углово́й модуля́ции — angular modulation method
    ме́тод удаля́емого трафаре́та полупр.rejection mask method
    ме́тод удаля́емой ма́ски рад.rejection mask method
    ме́тод узло́в ( в расчёте напряжении в фермах) — method of joints
    ме́тод узловы́х потенциа́лов — node-voltage method
    ме́тод ура́внивания по направле́ниям геод. — method of directions, direction method
    ме́тод ура́внивания по угла́м геод. — method of angles, angle method
    ме́тод уравнове́шивания — balancing method
    ме́тод усредне́ния — averaging [smoothing] method
    ме́тод фа́зового контра́ста ( в микроскопии) — phase contrast
    наблюда́ть ме́тодом фа́зового контра́ста — examine [study] by phase contrast
    ме́тод фа́зовой пло́скости — phase plane method
    ме́тод факториза́ции — factorization method
    флотацио́нный ме́тод — floatation method
    ме́тод формирова́ния сигна́лов цве́тности тлв.colour-processing method
    ме́тод центрифуги́рования — centrifuge method
    цепно́й ме́тод астр.chain method
    чи́сленный ме́тод — numerical method
    ме́тод Чохра́льского ( в выращивании полупроводниковых кристаллов) — Czochralski method, vertical pulling technique
    ме́тод Шо́ра — Shore hardness
    щупово́й ме́тод — stylus method
    ме́тод электрофоре́за — electrophoretic method
    эмпири́ческий ме́тод — trial-and-error [cut-and-try] method
    энергети́ческий ме́тод
    1. косм. energy method
    2. стр. strain energy method
    ме́тод энергети́ческого бала́нса — power balance method
    эргати́ческий ме́тод ( при общении человека с ЭВМ) — interactive [conversational] technique

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > метод

  • 8 система

    complex, chain, installation, method, repertoire вчт., repertory, structure, system
    * * *
    систе́ма ж.
    дубли́ровать систе́му — duplicate a system
    отла́живать систе́му — tune up a system
    систе́ма функциони́рует норма́льно киб.the system is well-behaved
    авари́йная систе́ма ав.emergency system
    систе́ма авари́йного покида́ния ( самолёта) — escape system
    автомати́ческая систе́ма — automatic system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования [САР] — automatic-control system of the regulator(y) type
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, де́йствующая по отклоне́нию — error-actuated control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, за́мкнутая — closed-loop control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, и́мпульсная — sampling control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, многоё́мкостная — multicapacity control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, многоко́нтурная — multiloop control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, многоме́рная — multivariable control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, програ́ммная — time-pattern control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования, разо́мкнутая — open-loop control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования следя́щего ти́па — servo-operation control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования со случа́йными возде́йствиями, и́мпульсная — random-input sampled-data system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого регули́рования со стабилиза́цией (проце́сса) — regulator-operation control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого управле́ния [САУ] — automatic-control system
    систе́ма автомати́ческого управле́ния, цифрова́я — digital control system
    систе́ма автоподстро́йки частоты́ [АПЧ] — AFC system
    систе́ма АПЧ захва́тывает частоту́ — the AFC system locks on to the (desired) frequency
    систе́ма АПЧ осуществля́ет по́иск частоты́ — the AFC system searches for the (desired) frequency
    систе́ма автоподстро́йки частоты́, фа́зовая [ФАПЧ] — phase-lock loop, PLL
    агрега́тная, унифици́рованная систе́ма ( советская система пневматических средств автоматики) — standard-module pneumatic instrumentation system
    адапти́вная систе́ма — adaptive system
    апериоди́ческая систе́ма — critically damped system
    асинхро́нная систе́ма — asynchronous system
    астати́ческая систе́ма — zero-constant-error system
    астати́ческая систе́ма второ́го поря́дка — Type 2 [zero-velocity-error] system
    астати́ческая систе́ма пе́рвого поря́дка — Type 1 [zero-position-error] system
    систе́ма без резерви́рования — non-redundant system
    систе́ма блокиро́вки ( радиационной установки) — interlock system
    систе́ма ва́ла ( в допусках и посадках) — the basic shaft system
    вентиляцио́нная систе́ма — ventilation system
    вентиляцио́нная, вытяжна́я систе́ма — exhaust ventilation system
    взаи́мные систе́мы — mutual systems
    систе́ма водоснабже́ния — water(-supply) system
    систе́ма водоснабже́ния, оборо́тная — circulating [closed-circuit] water system
    систе́ма водоснабже́ния, прямото́чная — once-through [run-of-river cooling] system
    систе́ма возду́шного отопле́ния — warm-air heating system
    систе́ма воспроизведе́ния ( записи) — reproduction system
    систе́ма впры́ска двс.injection system
    систе́ма впры́ска, предка́мерная двс.antechamber system of injection
    систе́ма впу́ска двс. — induction [intake] system
    систе́ма вы́борки вчт.selection system
    вытяжна́я систе́ма — exhaust system
    вычисли́тельная систе́ма — computer [computing] system
    вычисли́тельная, многома́шинная систе́ма — multicomputer system
    систе́ма генера́тор — дви́гатель — Ward-Leonard speed-control system
    гибри́дная систе́ма — hybrid system
    систе́ма громкоговоря́щей свя́зи — public-address [personnel-address, PA] system
    грузова́я систе́ма мор.cargo (handling) system
    двухкомпоне́нтная систе́ма хим. — two-component [binary] system
    двухни́точная систе́ма тепл.two-flow system
    двухпроводна́я систе́ма эл.two-wire system
    двухэлектро́дная систе́ма ( электроннооптического преобразователя) — self-focusing (diod) system
    диспе́рсная систе́ма — disperse system
    диссипати́вная систе́ма — dissipative system
    систе́ма дистанцио́нного управле́ния — remote control system
    диффере́нтная систе́ма мор.trim system
    дифференциа́льная систе́ма тлф.hybrid set
    систе́ма дождева́ния — sprinkling system
    систе́ма до́пусков — tolerance system
    систе́ма до́пусков, двусторо́нняя [симметри́чная], преде́льная — bilateral system of tolerances
    систе́ма до́пусков и поса́док — system [classification] of fits and tolerances
    систе́ма до́пусков, односторо́нняя [асимметри́чная], преде́льная — unilateral system of tolerances
    систе́ма дрена́жа ( топливных баков) ав.vent system
    систе́ма едини́ц — system of units
    систе́ма едини́ц, междунаро́дная [СИ] — international system of units, SI
    систе́ма едини́ц МКГСС уст. — MKGSS [metre-kilogram(me)-force-second ] system (of units)
    систе́ма едини́ц МКС — MKS [metre-kilogram(me)-second ] system (of units)
    систе́ма едини́ц МКСА — MKSA [metre-kilogram(me)-mass-second-ampere ] system (of units), absolute practical system of units
    систе́ма едини́ц МКСГ — MKSG [metre-kilogram(me)-force-second-kelvin ] system (of units)
    систе́ма едини́ц МСС — MSC [metre-second-candela] system (of units)
    систе́ма едини́ц МТС — MTS [metre-ton-second] system (of units)
    систе́мы едини́ц СГС — CGS [centimetre-gram(me)-second ] systems (of units)
    систе́ма едини́ц, техни́ческая — engineer's system of units
    же́зловая систе́ма ж.-д.staff system
    систе́ма жизнеобеспе́чения косм.life-support (and survival) system
    систе́ма жизнеобеспе́чения, автоно́мная — back-pack life-support system
    систе́ма зажига́ния — ignition system
    систе́ма зажига́ния, полупроводнико́вая — transistor(ized) ignition system
    систе́ма зажига́ния, электро́нная — electronic ignition system
    систе́ма заземле́ния — earth [ground] network
    замедля́ющая систе́ма — ( в электровакуумных устройствах СВЧ) slow-wave structure; ( волноводная) slow-wave guide; ( коаксиальная) wave delay line
    замедля́ющая, встре́чно-стержнева́я систе́ма — interdigital [interdigitated] slow-wave structure
    замедля́ющая, гребе́нчатая систе́ма — vane-line slow-wave structure, finned slow-wave guide
    замедля́ющая, спира́льная систе́ма — helical slow-wave structure
    за́мкнутая систе́ма — closed system
    систе́ма за́писи вчт.writing system
    запомина́ющая систе́ма вчт.storage system
    систе́ма затопле́ния мор.flood(ing) system
    систе́ма захо́да на поса́дку по кома́ндам с земли́ ав. — ground-controlled-approach [GCA] system
    зачи́стная систе́ма ( танкера) — stripping system
    систе́ма зерка́л Фабри́—Перо́ — Fabry-Perot [FP] mirror system
    зерка́льно-ли́нзовая систе́ма ( в микроскопе) — catadioptric system
    систе́ма золоудале́ния — ash-handling system
    систе́ма зо́льников кож. — lime yard, lime round
    изоли́рованная систе́ма — isolated system
    систе́ма индивидуа́льного вы́зова свз.paging system
    инерциа́льная систе́ма — inertial system
    информацио́нная систе́ма — information system
    информацио́нно-поиско́вая систе́ма — information retrieval system
    исхо́дная систе́ма — prototype [original] system
    канализацио́нная систе́ма — sewer(age) system
    канализацио́нная, общесплавна́я систе́ма — combined sewer(age) system
    канализацио́нная, разде́льная систе́ма — separate sewer(age) system
    систе́ма коди́рования — coding system
    колеба́тельная систе́ма — (преим. механическая) vibratory [vibrating] system; ( немеханическая) oscillatory [resonant] system
    колеба́тельная, многорезона́торная систе́ма ( магнетрона) — multiple-cavity resonator
    колориметри́ческая трёхцве́тная систе́ма — three-colour photometric system
    систе́ма кома́нд ЭВМ — instruction set of a computer, computer instruction set
    систе́ма координа́т — coordinate system
    свя́зывать систе́му координа́т с … — tie in a coordinate system with …, tie coordinate system to …
    систе́ма координа́т, инерциа́льная — inertial frame
    систе́ма координа́т, лаборато́рная — laboratory coordinate system, laboratory frame of reference
    систе́ма координа́т, ле́вая — left-handed coordinate system
    систе́ма координа́т, ме́стная — local (coordinate) system
    систе́ма координа́т, поко́ящаяся — rest (coordinate) system
    систе́ма координа́т, пото́чная аргд.(relative) wind coordinate system
    систе́ма координа́т, пра́вая — right-handed coordinate system
    систе́ма координа́т, свя́занная с дви́жущимся те́лом — body axes (coordinate) system
    систе́ма координа́т, свя́занная с Землё́й — fixed-in-the-earth (coordinate) system
    систе́ма корре́кции гироско́па — gyro monitor, (long-term) reference
    систе́ма корре́кции гироско́па, магни́тная — magnetic gyro monitor, magnetic reference
    систе́ма корре́кции гироско́па, ма́ятниковая — gravity gyro monitor, gravity reference
    систе́ма криволине́йных координа́т — curvilinear coordinate system
    курсова́я систе́ма ав. — directional heading [waiting] system
    ли́тниковая систе́ма — gating [pouring gate] system
    магни́тная систе́ма — magnetic system
    систе́ма ма́ссового обслу́живания — queueing [waiting] system
    систе́ма ма́ссового обслу́живания, сме́шанная — combined loss-delay queueing [waiting] system
    систе́ма ма́ссового обслу́живания с ожида́нием — delay queueing [waiting] system
    систе́ма ма́ссового обслу́живания с отка́зами — congestion queueing [waiting] system
    систе́ма ма́ссового обслу́живания с поте́рями — loss-type queueing [waiting] system
    мени́сковая систе́ма — meniscus [Maksutov] system
    систе́ма мер, метри́ческая — metric system
    систе́ма мер, типогра́фская — point system
    механи́ческая систе́ма — mechanical system
    механи́ческая, несвобо́дная систе́ма — constrained material system
    систе́ма мно́гих тел — many-body system
    многокана́льная систе́ма свз.multichannel system
    многокомпоне́нтная систе́ма — multicomponent system
    многоме́рная систе́ма — multivariable system
    модели́руемая систе́ма — prototype system
    мо́дульная систе́ма — modular system
    мультипле́ксная систе́ма — multiplex system
    систе́ма набо́ра ( корпуса судна) — framing system
    систе́ма набо́ра, кле́тчатая — cellular framing system
    систе́ма набо́ра, попере́чная — transverse framing system
    систе́ма набо́ра, продо́льная — longitudinal framing system
    систе́ма набо́ра, сме́шанная — mixed framing system
    систе́ма навига́ции — navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, автоно́мная — self-contained navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, гиперболи́ческая — hyperbolic navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, дальноме́рная — rho-rho [ - ] navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, дальноме́рно-угломе́рная — rho-theta [ - ] navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, кругова́я — rho-rho [ - ] navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, ра́зностно-дальноме́рная [РДНС] — hyperbolic navigation system
    систе́ма навига́ции, угломе́рная — theta-theta [ - ] navigation system
    систе́ма на стру́йных элеме́нтах, логи́ческая — fluid logic system
    систе́ма нумера́ции тлф.numbering scheme
    систе́ма обду́ва стё́кол авто, автмт.demister
    систе́ма обнаруже́ния оши́бок ( в передаче данных) свз.error detection system
    систе́ма обогре́ва стё́кол авто, ав.defroster
    систе́ма обозначе́ний — notation, symbolism
    систе́ма обозначе́ний Междунаро́дного нау́чного радиообъедине́ния — URSI symbol system
    систе́ма обозначе́ния про́бы, кара́тная — carat test sign system
    систе́ма обозначе́ния про́бы, метри́ческая — metric test sign system
    обора́чивающая систе́ма опт. — erecting [inversion (optical)] system
    обора́чивающая, при́зменная систе́ма опт.prism-erecting (optical) system
    систе́ма обрабо́тки да́нных — data processing [dp] system
    систе́ма обрабо́тки да́нных в реа́льном масшта́бе вре́мени — real time data processing system
    систе́ма обрабо́тки да́нных, операти́вная — on-line data processing system
    систе́ма обрабо́тки отхо́дов — waste treatment system
    систе́ма объё́много пожаротуше́ния мор.fire-smothering system
    одноотка́зная систе́ма — fall-safe system
    опти́ческая систе́ма — optical system, optical train
    опти́ческая, зерка́льно-ли́нзовая систе́ма — catadioptric system
    систе́ма ориента́ции ав.attitude control system
    ороси́тельная систе́ма — irrigation system, irrigation project
    систе́ма ороше́ния мор.sprinkling system
    систе́ма освеще́ния — lighting (system)
    осуши́тельная систе́ма мор.drain(age) system
    систе́ма отбо́ра во́здуха от компре́ссора — compressor air-bleed system
    систе́ма отве́рстия ( в допусках и посадках) — the basic hole system
    отклоня́ющая систе́ма ( в ЭЛТ) — deflecting system, deflection yoke
    отклоня́ющая, ка́дровая систе́ма — vertical (deflection) yoke
    отклоня́ющая, магни́тная систе́ма — magnetic (deflection) yoke
    отклоня́ющая, стро́чная систе́ма — horizontal [line] (deflection) yoke
    систе́ма относи́тельных едини́ц — per-unit system
    отопи́тельная систе́ма — heating system
    отопи́тельная систе́ма с разво́дкой све́рху — down-feed heating system
    отопи́тельная систе́ма с разво́дкой сни́зу — up-feed heating system
    систе́ма отсчё́та — frame of reference, (reference) frame, reference system
    систе́ма отсчё́та, инерциа́льная — inertial frame of reference
    систе́ма охлажде́ния — cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, возду́шная — air-cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, жи́дкостная — liquid-cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, испари́тельная — evaporative cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, каска́дная — cascade refrigeration system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния непосре́дственным испаре́нием холоди́льного аге́нта — direct expansion system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, пане́льная — panel cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, рассо́льная, двухтемперату́рная — dual-temperature brine refrigeration system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, рассо́льная, закры́тая — closed brine cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния, рассо́льная, с испаре́нием — brine spray cooling system
    систе́ма охлажде́ния с теплозащи́тной руба́шкой — jacketed cooling system
    систе́ма очи́стки воды́ — water purification system
    систе́ма па́мяти — memory [storage] system
    систе́ма парашю́та, подвесна́я — parachute harness
    систе́ма переда́чи да́нных — data transmission system
    систе́ма переда́чи да́нных с обра́тной свя́зью — information feedback data transmission system
    систе́ма переда́чи да́нных с коммута́цией сообще́ний и промежу́точным хране́нием — store-and-forward data network
    систе́ма переда́чи да́нных с реша́ющей обра́тной свя́зью — decision feedback data transmission system
    систе́ма переда́чи и́мпульсов набо́ра, шле́йфная тлф.loop dialling system
    систе́ма переда́чи на одно́й боково́й полосе́ и пода́вленной несу́щей — single-sideband suppressed-carrier [SSB-SC] system
    систе́ма переда́чи на одно́й боково́й полосе́ с осла́бленной несу́щей — single-sideband reduced carrier [SSB-RC] system
    систе́ма пита́ния двс.fuel system
    систе́ма пита́ния котла́ — boiler-feed piping system
    систе́ма питьево́й воды́ мор. — drinking-water [portable-water] system
    систе́ма пода́чи то́плива, вытесни́тельная — pressure feeding system
    систе́ма пода́чи то́плива самотё́ком — gravity feeding system
    систе́ма пода́чи то́плива, турбонасо́сная — turbopump feeding system
    подви́жная систе́ма ( измерительного прибора) — moving element (movement не рекомендован соответствующими стандартами)
    систе́ма пожа́рной сигнализа́ции — fire-alarm system
    систе́ма пожаротуше́нения — fire-extinguishing system
    систе́ма поса́дки — landing system
    систе́ма поса́дки по прибо́рам — instrument landing system (сокращение ILS относится к международной системе, советская система обозначается СПinstrument landing system)
    систе́ма проду́вки автоscavenging system
    противообледени́тельная систе́ма ав. — ( для предотвращения образования льда) anti-icing [ice protection] system; ( для удаления образовавшегося льда) de-icing system
    противопожа́рная систе́ма — fire-extinguishing system
    противото́чная систе́ма — counter-current flow system
    систе́ма прямо́го перено́са ( электроннооптического преобразователя) — proximity focused system
    прямото́чная систе́ма — direct-flow system
    систе́ма прямоуго́льных координа́т — Cartesian [rectangular] coordinate system
    систе́ма, рабо́тающая в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — real-time system
    радиолокацио́нная, втори́чная систе́ма УВД — ( для работы внутри СССР) SSR system; ( отвечающая нормам ИКАО) ICAO SSR system
    радиолокацио́нная систе́ма с электро́нным скани́рованием — electronic scanning radar system, ESRS
    радиомая́чная систе́ма — radio range
    радиомая́чная, многокана́льная систе́ма — multitrack radio range
    систе́ма радионавига́ции — radio-navigation system (см. тж. система навигации)
    развё́ртывающая систе́ма тлв.scanning system
    систе́ма разрабо́тки — mining system, method of mining
    распредели́тельная систе́ма — distribution system
    регенерати́вная систе́ма тепл.feed heating system
    резерви́рованная систе́ма — redundant system
    систе́ма ремне́й, подвесна́я ( респиратора) — harness
    систе́ма ру́бок лес.cutting system
    самонастра́ивающаяся систе́ма — self-adjusting system
    самообуча́ющаяся систе́ма киб.learning system
    самоорганизу́ющаяся систе́ма — self-organizing system
    самоприспоса́бливающаяся систе́ма киб.adaptive system
    самоуравнове́шивающаяся систе́ма — self-balancing system
    самоусоверше́нствующаяся систе́ма — evolutionary system
    санита́рная систе́ма мор.sanitary system
    систе́ма свя́зи — communication system
    сопряга́ть систе́му свя́зи, напр. с ЭВМ — interface a communication network with, e. g., a computer
    уплотня́ть систе́му свя́зи телегра́фными кана́лами — multiplex telegraph channels on a communication link
    систе́ма свя́зи, асинхро́нная — asyncronous communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, двои́чная — binary communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, многокана́льная — multi-channel communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи на метео́рных вспы́шках — meteor burst [meteor-scatter] communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, разветвлё́нная — deployed communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи с испо́льзованием да́льнего тропосфе́рного рассе́яния — troposcatter communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи с испо́льзованием ионосфе́рного рассе́яния — ionoscatter communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи с переспро́сом — ARQ communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, уплотнё́нная — multiplex communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, уплотнё́нная, с временны́м разделе́нием сигна́лов — time division multiplex [TDM] communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, уплотнё́нная, с разделе́нием по ко́дам — code-division multiplex(ing) communication system
    систе́ма свя́зи, уплотнё́нная, с часто́тным разделе́нием сигна́лов — frequency division multiplex [FDM] communication system
    сельси́нная систе́ма — synchro system
    сельси́нная систе́ма в индика́торном режи́ме — synchro-repeater [direct-transmission synchro] system
    сельси́нная систе́ма в трансформа́торном режи́ме — synchro-detector [control-transformer synchro] system
    сельси́нная, двухотсчё́тная систе́ма — two-speed [coarse-fine] synchro system
    сельси́нная, дифференциа́льная систе́ма — differential synchro system
    сельси́нная, одноотсчё́тная систе́ма — singlespeed synchro system
    систе́ма сил — force system
    систе́ма синхрониза́ции — timing [synchronizing] mechanism
    синхро́нная систе́ма — synchronous system
    следя́щая систе́ма — servo (system)
    следя́щая, позицио́нная систе́ма — positional servo (system)
    следя́щая систе́ма с не́сколькими входны́ми возде́йствиями — multi-input servo (system)
    следя́щая систе́ма с предваре́нием — predictor servo (system)
    систе́ма слеже́ния — tracking system
    систе́ма слеже́ния по да́льности — range tracking system
    систе́ма слеже́ния по ско́рости измене́ния да́льности — range rate tracking system
    систе́ма сма́зки — lubrication (system)
    систе́ма сма́зки, принуди́тельная — force(-feed) lubrication (system)
    систе́ма сма́зки, разбры́згивающая — splash lubrication (system)
    сма́зочная систе́ма — lubrication (system)
    систе́ма с мно́гими переме́нными — multivariable system
    систе́ма сниже́ния шу́ма — noise reduction system
    систе́ма с обра́тной свя́зью — feedback system
    Со́лнечная систе́ма — solar system
    систе́ма сопровожде́ния — tracking system
    систе́ма со свобо́дными пове́рхностями — unbounded system
    систе́ма с пара́метрами, изменя́ющимися во вре́мени — time variable [time-variant] system
    систе́ма с постоя́нным резерви́рованием — parallel-redundant system
    систе́ма с разделе́нием вре́мени — time-sharing system
    систе́ма с распределё́нными пара́метрами — distributed parameter system
    систе́ма с самоизменя́ющейся структу́рой — self-structuring system
    систе́ма с сосредото́ченными пара́метрами — lumped-parameter [lumped-constant] system
    стати́ческая систе́ма — киб. constant-error system; ( в следящих системах) type O servo system
    систе́ма, стати́чески неопредели́мая мех.statically indeterminate system
    систе́ма, стати́чески определи́мая мех.statically determinate system
    систе́ма стира́ния ( записи) — erasing system
    стохасти́ческая систе́ма — stochastic system
    сто́чная систе́ма мор.deck drain system
    судова́я систе́ма — ship system
    систе́ма с фикси́рованными грани́цами — bounded system
    систе́ма счисле́ния — number(ing) system, notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, восьмери́чная — octal number system, octonary notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, двенадцатери́чная — duodecimal number system, duodecimal notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, двои́чная — binary system, binary notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, двои́чно-десяти́чная — binary-coded decimal system, binary-coded decimal [BCD] notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, девятери́чная — nine number system
    систе́ма счисле́ния, десяти́чная — decimal number system, decimal notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, непозицио́нная — non-positional notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, позицио́нная — positional number notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния пути́, возду́шно-до́плеровская навиг.airborne Doppler navigator
    систе́ма счисле́ния, трои́чная — ternary number system, ternary notation
    систе́ма счисле́ния, шестнадцатери́чная — hexadecimal number system, hexadecimal notation
    телевизио́нная светокла́панная систе́ма — light-modulator [light-modulating] television system
    телегра́фная многокра́тная систе́ма ( с временным распределением) — time-division multiplex (transmission), time division telegraph system
    телеметри́ческая систе́ма — telemetering system
    телеметри́ческая, промы́шленная систе́ма — industrial telemetering system
    телеметри́ческая, то́ковая систе́ма — current-type telemeter
    телеметри́ческая, часто́тная систе́ма — frequency-type telemeter
    телефо́нная, автомати́ческая систе́ма — dial telephone system
    телефо́нная систе́ма с ручны́м обслу́живанием — manual-switchboard telephone system
    термодинами́ческая систе́ма — thermodynamic system
    техни́ческая систе́ма (в отличие от естественных, математических и т. п.) — engineering system
    систе́ма тона́льного телеграфи́рования — voice-frequency multichannel system
    то́пливная систе́ма — fuel system
    то́пливная систе́ма с пода́чей само́тёком — gravity fuel system
    тормозна́я систе́ма ( автомобиля) — brake system
    трёхкомпоне́нтная систе́ма — ternary [three-component] system
    трёхпроводна́я систе́ма эл.three-wire system
    трёхфа́зная систе́ма эл.three-phase system
    трёхфа́зная систе́ма с глухозаземлё́нной нейтра́лью эл.solidly-earthed-neutral three-phase system
    трёхфа́зная, симметри́чная систе́ма эл.symmetrical three-phase system
    трёхфа́зная систе́ма с незаземлё́нной нейтра́лью эл.isolated-neutral three-phase system
    трю́мная систе́ма мор.bilge system
    систе́ма тяг — linkage
    тя́го-дутьева́я систе́ма — draught system
    систе́ма УВД — air traffic control [ATC] system
    систе́ма управле́ния — control system
    систе́ма управле́ния, автомати́ческая — automatic control system
    систе́ма управле́ния без па́мяти — combinational (control) system
    систе́ма управле́ния возду́шным движе́нием — air traffic control [ATC] system
    систе́ма управле́ния произво́дством [предприя́тием], автоматизи́рованная [АСУП] — management information system, MIS
    систе́ма управле́ния с вычисли́тельной маши́ной — computer control system
    систе́ма управле́ния с па́мятью — sequential (control) system
    систе́ма управле́ния с предсказа́нием — predictor control system
    систе́ма управле́ния технологи́ческим проце́ссом, автоматизи́рованная [АСУТП] — (automatic) process control system
    систе́ма управле́ния, цифрова́я — digital control system
    управля́емая систе́ма ( объект управления) — controlled system, controlled plant
    управля́ющая систе́ма ( часть системы управления) — controlling (sub-)system
    упру́гая систе́ма ( гравиметра) — elastic system
    систе́ма уравне́ний — set [system] of equations, set of simultaneous equations
    систе́ма уравне́ния объё́ма ( ядерного реактора) — pressurizing system
    уравнове́шенная систе́ма — balanced system
    усто́йчивая систе́ма — stable system
    фа́новая систе́ма мор. — flushing [sewage-disposal] system
    систе́ма физи́ческих величи́н — system of physical quantities
    хи́мико-технологи́ческая систе́ма — chemical engineering system
    хими́ческая систе́ма — chemical system
    систе́ма ЦБ-АТС тлф.dial system
    систе́ма цветно́го телеви́дения, совмести́мая — compatible colour-television system
    систе́ма це́нтра масс — centre-of-mass [centre-of-gravity, centre-of-momentum] system
    систе́ма цифрово́го управле́ния ( не путать с числовы́м управле́нием) — digital control system (not to be confused with numeric control system)
    систе́ма «челове́к — маши́на» — man-machine system
    шарни́рная систе́ма — hinged system
    шарни́рно-стержнева́я систе́ма — hinged-rod system
    шпре́нгельная систе́ма — strutted [truss] system
    систе́ма эксплуата́ции телефо́нной свя́зи, заказна́я — delay operation
    систе́ма эксплуата́ции телефо́нной свя́зи, ско́рая — demand working, telephone traffic on the demand basis
    экстрема́льная систе́ма — extremal system
    систе́ма электро́дов ЭЛТ — CRT electrode structure
    электроже́зловая систе́ма ж.-д.(electric) token system
    электрохими́ческая систе́ма — electrochemical system
    электрохими́ческая, необрати́мая систе́ма — irreversible electrochemical system
    электрохими́ческая, обрати́мая систе́ма — reversible electrochemical system
    электроэнергети́ческая систе́ма — electric power system
    систе́ма элеме́нтов Менделе́ева, периоди́ческая — Mendeleeff's [Mendeleev's, periodic] law, periodic system, periodic table
    систе́ма элеме́нтов ЦВМ — computer building-block range
    энергети́ческая систе́ма — power system
    энергети́ческая, еди́ная систе́ма — power grid
    энергети́ческая, объединё́нная систе́ма — interconnected power system

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > система

  • 9 materia

    1 matter (sustancia, asunto).
    en materia de on the subject of, concerning
    la legislación en materia de medio ambiente the legislation on the subject of o concerning the environment
    entrar en materia to get down to business
    materia grasa fat content
    materia gris gray matter
    materia orgánica organic matter
    2 material (material).
    materia prima raw material
    3 subject (asignatura).
    * * *
    1 (sustancia) matter
    2 (material) material, substance
    3 (asignatura) subject
    4 (asunto) subject, matter
    en materia de... on the subject of...
    entrar en materia to get to the point
    índice de materias table of contents
    materia gris grey matter
    materia prima raw material
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (Fís) matter; (=material) material, substance

    materia fecalfaeces pl, feces pl (EEUU)

    materia grisgrey o (EEUU) gray matter

    2) (=tema) subject matter; (Escol) subject

    entrar en materia — to get down to business, get to the point

    materia optativa — (Escol) option, optional subject

    * * *
    1) ( sustancia) matter
    a) (tema, asunto) subject

    en materia de — as regards, with regard to

    entrar en materia: entremos en materia — let's get straight to the matter in hand o straight down to business

    b) ( material) material
    c) (esp AmL) ( asignatura) subject
    * * *
    = matter, subject, subject term, topic, subject matter, rubric, material, subject discipline.
    Ex. Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.
    Ex. What is a subject?.
    Ex. In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex. A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex. The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.
    Ex. And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex. The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    Ex. Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.
    * acceso a la información por la materia = subject approach to information, subject approach.
    * acceso por materias = subject access.
    * al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type.
    * alfabético por materias = alphabetico-subject.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * asignación de materias = subject indexing, subject assignment.
    * buscado por materia = subject-traced.
    * buscador por materias = subject gateway.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * catalogador de materias = subject cataloguer.
    * catálogo alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject catalogue.
    * catálogo de materias = subject catalogue.
    * catálogo sistemático de materias = classified subject catalogue.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificar por materia = subject classify.
    * conocer muy bien la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * consulta por materias = subject browsing.
    * control de materias = subject control.
    * cuerpo de estanterías por materia = subject bay.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * derechos en materia de procreación = reproductive rights.
    * descriptor de materia = subject descriptor.
    * distribución de una materia en su índice = subject scatter.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * en materia de = in matters of, as regards, with regard(s) to, regarding, on, concerning, in the field of.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * especialista en una materia = subject specialist.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * fichero de materias = descriptor file.
    * fichero ordenado por materias = subject file.
    * identificador de materia = subject label.
    * índice alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject index.
    * índice articulado de materias = articulated subject index.
    * índice de materias = subject index, topical index, subject guide.
    * Indice Permutado de Materias = Permuterm Subject Index.
    * índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type title indexes.
    * Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).
    * indización por materias = subject indexing.
    * información como materia prima, la = information commodity.
    * información sobre la materia = subject data.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materia = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * materia asociada = collateral subject.
    * materia compuesta = complex subject, composite subject, compound subject.
    * materia coordinada = coordinate subject.
    * materia de estudio = subject of study.
    * materia específica = subordinate subject, specific subject.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * materia general = superordinate subject, parent subject.
    * materia gris = grey matter [gray matter].
    * materia impresa = printed matter.
    * materia inanimada = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia inorgánica = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia más específica = narrower subject.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * materia muerta = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia optativa = option.
    * materia orgánica = organic matter, organic materials.
    * materia preferida = pet subject.
    * materia prima = raw material, staple diet, grist, primary raw material, feedstock.
    * materia principal = main subject.
    * materia representada por un solo descriptor = one-concept subject.
    * materia representada por varios descriptores = multi-concept subject.
    * materia secundaria = fringe subject.
    * materias troncales = core curriculum.
    * materia troncal = core subject.
    * materia viva = living matter.
    * mercado de materias primas, el = commodity market, the.
    * nombre de materia = subject name.
    * número indicador de materia = SIN, Subject Indicator Number.
    * ordenación por materias = subject arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * porcentaje de materias servidas = subject fill rate.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * recuperación por materias = subject access, subject retrieval.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * salud en materia de procreación = reproductive health.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * subdivisión de materia = subject subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento de materia = subject heading subdivision, topical subheading.
    * terminología usada para las materias = subject terminology.
    * tratamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject approach.
    * * *
    1) ( sustancia) matter
    a) (tema, asunto) subject

    en materia de — as regards, with regard to

    entrar en materia: entremos en materia — let's get straight to the matter in hand o straight down to business

    b) ( material) material
    c) (esp AmL) ( asignatura) subject
    * * *
    = matter, subject, subject term, topic, subject matter, rubric, material, subject discipline.

    Ex: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.

    Ex: What is a subject?.
    Ex: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.
    Ex: The librarian generally looks at the book's title, subtitle, preface, contents list, etc, in order to determine the subject matter.
    Ex: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex: The material in the exhibition is organized into four thematic sections: objects used in daily life, funerary rites, religious items, and works of art.
    Ex: Respondents indicated that they needed to master several subject disciplines and a sizable vocabulary to understand the literature they use.
    * acceso a la información por la materia = subject approach to information, subject approach.
    * acceso por materias = subject access.
    * al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type.
    * alfabético por materias = alphabetico-subject.
    * aportar materia prima para = provide + grist for + Posesivo + mill.
    * asignación de materias = subject indexing, subject assignment.
    * buscado por materia = subject-traced.
    * buscador por materias = subject gateway.
    * búsqueda por materia = subject searching, topical subject search.
    * búsqueda por materias = subject search, subject query, subject browsing.
    * catalogador de materias = subject cataloguer.
    * catálogo alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject catalogue.
    * catálogo de materias = subject catalogue.
    * catálogo sistemático de materias = classified subject catalogue.
    * clasificación por materia = subject classification.
    * clasificar por materia = subject classify.
    * conocer muy bien la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * conocimiento sobre una materia = subject knowledge.
    * consulta por materias = subject browsing.
    * control de materias = subject control.
    * cuerpo de estanterías por materia = subject bay.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * derechos en materia de procreación = reproductive rights.
    * descriptor de materia = subject descriptor.
    * distribución de una materia en su índice = subject scatter.
    * encabezamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject heading.
    * encabezamiento de materia = subject heading, subject description.
    * encabezamiento de materia específico = specific subject heading.
    * Encabezamientos de Materia de Medicina (MeSH) = Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
    * en materia de = in matters of, as regards, with regard(s) to, regarding, on, concerning, in the field of.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * especialista en una materia = subject specialist.
    * experto en la materia = subject expert.
    * fichero de materias = descriptor file.
    * fichero ordenado por materias = subject file.
    * identificador de materia = subject label.
    * índice alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject index.
    * índice articulado de materias = articulated subject index.
    * índice de materias = subject index, topical index, subject guide.
    * Indice Permutado de Materias = Permuterm Subject Index.
    * índices de títulos al estilo de los índices de materia = subject-type title indexes.
    * Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI) = Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI).
    * indización por materias = subject indexing.
    * información como materia prima, la = information commodity.
    * información sobre la materia = subject data.
    * LCSH (Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCSH (Library of Congress List of Subject Headings).
    * lista alfabética de encabezamientos de materia = alphabetical list of subject headings.
    * lista de encabezamientos de materia = subject headings list.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Asociación de Bibliotecas Escolar = SLA List.
    * Lista de Encabezamientos de Materias de Sears = Sears' List of Subject Headings.
    * materia asociada = collateral subject.
    * materia compuesta = complex subject, composite subject, compound subject.
    * materia coordinada = coordinate subject.
    * materia de estudio = subject of study.
    * materia específica = subordinate subject, specific subject.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * materia general = superordinate subject, parent subject.
    * materia gris = grey matter [gray matter].
    * materia impresa = printed matter.
    * materia inanimada = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia inorgánica = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia más específica = narrower subject.
    * materia más general = broader subject.
    * materia muerta = dead matter, inanimate matter.
    * materia optativa = option.
    * materia orgánica = organic matter, organic materials.
    * materia preferida = pet subject.
    * materia prima = raw material, staple diet, grist, primary raw material, feedstock.
    * materia principal = main subject.
    * materia representada por un solo descriptor = one-concept subject.
    * materia representada por varios descriptores = multi-concept subject.
    * materia secundaria = fringe subject.
    * materias troncales = core curriculum.
    * materia troncal = core subject.
    * materia viva = living matter.
    * mercado de materias primas, el = commodity market, the.
    * nombre de materia = subject name.
    * número indicador de materia = SIN, Subject Indicator Number.
    * ordenación por materias = subject arrangement.
    * organización de materias = subject organisation.
    * porcentaje de materias servidas = subject fill rate.
    * por materias = subject-based, topically.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * profano en la materia = non-scholar.
    * recuperación por materias = subject access, subject retrieval.
    * registro de encabezamiento secundario de materia = subject tracing.
    * salud en materia de procreación = reproductive health.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser un experto en la materia = know + Posesivo + stuff.
    * subdivisión de materia = subject subdivision.
    * subencabezamiento de materia = subject heading subdivision, topical subheading.
    * terminología usada para las materias = subject terminology.
    * tratamiento alfabético de materias = alphabetical subject approach.

    * * *
    A (sustancia) matter
    materia orgánica/viva organic/living matter
    feces* (pl), fecal* matter
    gray* matter
    dark matter
    ( Econ, Tec) raw material; ( Fin) commodity
    el mercado de materias primas the commodities market
    1 (tema, asunto) subject
    los libros están ordenados por materias the books are arranged according to subject
    en materia jurídica es un experto he's an expert on legal matters
    en materia de as regards, with regard to
    es un país muy avanzado en materia de sanidad it is a very advanced country in terms of o with regard to o as regards health care
    entrar en materia: entró inmediatamente en materia he went straight into the subject, he got straight to the point
    2 (material) material
    aquí hay materia para hacer un estudio muy completo there is enough material here to do an in-depth study
    3 ( esp AmL) (asignatura) subject
    classified information
    * * *


    materia sustantivo femenino
    1 ( sustancia) matter;
    materia gris gray( conjugate gray) matter;

    materia prima (Econ, Tec) raw material;

    (Fin) commodity
    a) (tema, asunto) subject;

    materia sustantivo femenino
    1 matter
    materia inorgánica/orgánica, inorganic/organic matter
    materia no contaminante, non-polluting material
    2 (tema) matter, stuff: domina muy bien la materia, she knows her stuff
    es un especialista en la materia, he's an expert on the subject
    3 Educ (asignatura) subject
    ' materia' also found in these entries:
    - consistente
    - curso
    - en
    - gris
    - lega
    - lego
    - prima
    - primo
    - revés
    - saber
    - sebo
    - tierra
    - autoridad
    - conocer
    - corromper
    - corrompido
    - corrupción
    - pasta
    - procesar
    - profano
    - reprobar
    - commodity
    - cut
    - deterioration
    - fluid
    - grey matter
    - ground
    - insulation
    - last
    - material
    - matter
    - of
    - out of
    - raw material
    - rock
    - rubber
    - soft
    - soil
    - strong
    - subject
    - subject matter
    - substitute
    - tarmac
    - wood
    - lay
    - raw
    - subsidiary
    - wastage
    * * *
    1. [sustancia] matter
    Anat materia gris grey matter;
    materia orgánica organic matter;
    Astron materia oscura dark matter
    2. [asunto] matter;
    materia de reflexión food for thought;
    en materia de on the subject of, concerning;
    han llegado a un acuerdo en materia de impuestos they have come to an agreement on o concerning taxation;
    la legislación en materia de medio ambiente the legislation on the subject of o concerning the environment;
    entrar en materia to get down to business
    3. [material] material
    materia prima raw material
    4. [asignatura] subject
    RP Univ materia previa = module that has to be passed in order to do a more advanced module
    * * *
    1 matter
    2 ( material) material
    3 ( tema) subject;
    entrar en materia get on to the subject;
    en materia de as regards
    * * *
    1) : matter
    materia gris: gray matter
    2) : material
    materia prima: raw material
    3) : (academic) subject
    en materia de : on the subject of, concerning
    * * *
    1. (en general) matter
    2. (asignatura, tema) subject

    Spanish-English dictionary > materia

  • 10 seguir

    1 to follow.
    tú ve delante, que yo te sigo you go ahead, I'll follow o I'll go behind
    seguir algo de cerca to follow o monitor something closely (desarrollo, resultados)
    Ellos siguen la caravana They follow the convoy.
    Eso es lo que sigue That is what follows.
    2 to follow.
    me parece que nos siguen I think we're being followed
    3 to continue, to resume.
    Me sigue el dolor My pain persists.
    4 to continue, to go on.
    ¡sigue, no te pares! go o carry on, don't stop!
    aquí se baja él, yo sigo he's getting out here, I'm going on (al taxista)
    sigo trabajando en la fábrica I'm still working at the factory
    debes seguir haciéndolo you should keep on o carry on doing it
    sigo pensando que está mal I still think it's wrong
    sigue enferma/en el hospital she's still ill/in hospital
    ¿qué tal sigue la familia? how's the family getting on o keeping?
    5 to keep on, to go along, to carry on, to continue.
    María se sigue haciendo daño Mary keeps on hurting herself.
    6 to continue to be, to continue being, to keep, to keep being.
    Las chicas siguen testarudas The girls continue to be stubborn.
    7 to obey, to keep.
    Las chicas siguen las reglas The girls obey the rules.
    8 to imitate, to follow.
    Los fanáticos siguen al cantante The fans imitate the singer.
    9 to come afterwards, to come next, to come after, to come along.
    Algo bueno sigue Something good comes afterwards.
    * * *
    (e changes to i in certain persons of certain tenses; gu changes to g before a and o)
    Present Indicative
    sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, seguís, siguen.
    Past Indicative
    seguí, seguiste, siguió, seguimos, seguisteis, siguieron.
    Present Subjunctive
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    sigue (tú), siga (él/Vd.), sigamos (nos.), seguid (vos.), sigan (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=perseguir) [+ persona, pista] to follow; [+ indicio] to follow up; [+ presa] to chase, pursue

    ella llegó primero, seguida del embajador — she arrived first, followed by the ambassador

    2) (=estar atento a) [+ programa de TV] to watch, follow; [+ programa de radio] to listen to, follow; [+ proceso, progreso] to monitor, follow up; [+ satélite] to track
    3) (=hacer caso de) [+ consejo] to follow, take; [+ instrucciones, doctrina, líder] to follow
    4) [+ rumbo, dirección] to follow

    siga esta calle y al final gire a la derechacarry on up o follow this street and turn right at the end

    seguir su curso, el proyecto sigue su curso — the project is still on course, the project continues on (its) course

    5) (=entender) [+ razonamiento] to follow

    ¿me sigues? — are you with me?

    6) (Educ) [+ curso] to take, do
    7) [+ mujer] to court
    2. VI
    1) (=continuar) to go on, carry on

    ¿quieres que sigamos? — shall we go on?

    ¡siga! — (=hable) go on!, carry on; LAm (=pase) come in

    ¡síguele! — Méx go on!

    "sigue" — [en carta] P.T.O.; [en libro] continued


    seguir adelante[persona] to go on, carry on; [acontecimiento] to go ahead

    adelante 1)
    3) [en estado, situación] to be still

    ¿cómo sigue? — how is he?

    que siga usted bien — keep well, look after yourself

    seguimos sin teléfono — we still haven't got a phone


    seguir haciendo algo — to go on doing sth, carry on doing sth

    siguió mirándolahe went on o carried on looking at her

    el ordenador seguía funcionando — the computer carried on working, the computer was still working

    5) (=venir a continuación) to follow, follow on

    entre otros ejemplos destacan los que siguen — amongst other examples, the following stand out

    seguir a algo, las horas que siguieron a la tragedia — the hours following o that followed the tragedy

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/vehículo/presa> to follow

    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir — she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her

    el que la sigue la consigue — (fam) if at first you don't succeed, try, try again

    2) <camino/ruta>

    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puentego along o follow this road as far as the bridge

    3) ( en el tiempo) to follow

    seguir a algo/alguien — to follow something/somebody

    a) <instrucciones/consejo/flecha> to follow
    b) ( basarse en) <autor/teoría/método/tradición> to follow
    a) <trámite/procedimiento> to follow
    b) (Educ) < curso> to take

    estoy siguiendo un curso de fotografíaI'm doing o taking a photography course

    a) <explicaciones/profesor> to follow

    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir — she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up

    ¿me siguen? — are you with me?

    no sigo ese programa — I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program

    seguir vi
    a) ( por un camino) to go on

    siga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle — keep o go straight on to the end of the street

    seguir de largo — (AmL) to go straight past

    c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar)

    siga por favor — come in, please

    2) (en lugar, estado)

    ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? — are your parents still in Geneva?

    sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre — she's still single/as pretty as ever

    si las cosas siguen así... — if things carry on like this...

    si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos — if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way

    a) tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia to continue; rumores to persist

    seguir + ger: sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone; sigue leyendo tú you read now; seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera — I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way (frml)

    a) (venir después, estar contiguo)
    b) historia/poema to continue

    ¿cómo sigue la canción? — how does the song go on?

    seguirse v pron (en 3a pers)

    de esto se sigue que... — it follows from this that...

    * * *
    = accord with, adhere to, chase, conform to, espouse, fit, follow, keep to, observe, pursue, run along, stay, stick to, proceed, overlay, carry on, go ahead, soldier on, succeed, hew to, overlie, keep up, roll on.
    Ex. So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.
    Ex. Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.
    Ex. Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.
    Ex. These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.
    Ex. Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
    Ex. Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
    Ex. An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.
    Ex. Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.
    Ex. It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.
    Ex. All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.
    Ex. Whevener logical processes of thought are employed - that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove - there is an opportunity for the machine.
    Ex. What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex. It might be striking to outline the instrumentalities of the future more spectacularly, rather than to stick closely to methods and elements now known.
    Ex. Before we proceed to look at the operators in detail, a couple of examples may help to make the layout clearer.
    Ex. There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.
    Ex. If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
    Ex. A plan for the construction and implementation phases will be drawn up, if it is decided to go ahead = Si se decide continuar, se elaborará un plan para las fases de construcción y puesta en práctica.
    Ex. Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.
    Ex. In 1964 he was promoted to Associate Director of the Processing Department where he succeeded John Cronin as Director four years later.
    Ex. The structure adopted hews to the theoretical model of the resilient organization as described by Enright.
    Ex. The disputes between islanders and outsiders overlie the deeper problem of administrative denial of indigenous lagoon rights.
    Ex. He was told to ' keep up whatever it is he was doing' because he was doing great!.
    Ex. But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    * camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.
    * como siga así = at this rate.
    * como sigue = as follows.
    * debate + seguir = debate + rage.
    * difícil de seguir = heavy going.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * hay que seguir adelante = the show must go on.
    * indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * modelos a seguir = lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no seguir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * pautas a seguir = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * pendiente de seguir la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * procedimiento a seguir = code of practice.
    * que sigue = ensuing.
    * que sigue una norma = compliant (with).
    * que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
    * resignarse y seguir adelante = bite + the bullet.
    * seguir activo = remain + in being, remain + in place.
    * seguir adelante = go forward, forge + ahead, forge + forward, go ahead, go straight ahead, carry through, move along, move forward, press forward (with), move + forward, continue on + Posesivo + way, move on.
    * seguir adelante con = go ahead with, stick with.
    * seguir a flote = stay in + business, stay + afloat.
    * seguir al día = remain on top of.
    * seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir Algo a rajatabla = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir al pie del cañón = soldier on.
    * seguir a rajatabla = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir así = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir avanzando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguir caminando = continue on + Posesivo + way.
    * seguir como antes = go on + as before.
    * seguir como modelo = pattern.
    * seguir con = go on with, maintain + continuity, maintain + momentum, stick at.
    * seguir con Algo = take + Nombre + further.
    * seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir con el control = stay in + control.
    * seguir con el mando = stay in + control.
    * seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.
    * seguir considerando = consider + further.
    * seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.
    * seguir desarrollando = develop + further.
    * seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.
    * seguir el debate = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ejemplo = follow + the lead, take after.
    * seguir el ejemplo de = take + Posesivo + cue from, take + a cue from.
    * seguir el ejemplo de Alguien = take + a leaf out of + Posesivo + book, follow + Posesivo + example.
    * seguir el hilo = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.
    * seguir en contacto = stay + tuned.
    * seguir en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), keep in + touch (with).
    * seguir en existencia = remain + in being.
    * seguir en la brecha = soldier on.
    * seguir en pie = hold + Posesivo + own, hold up.
    * seguir entre los primeros = remain on top.
    * seguir enviando + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * seguir este camino = go along + this road.
    * seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.
    * seguir + Gerundio = keep on + Gerundio.
    * seguir haciéndolo así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciendo lo mismo = business as usual.
    * seguir igual = be none the worse for wear.
    * seguir inmediatamente = fast on the heels of, on the heels of.
    * seguir inmediatamente a = come on + the heels of.
    * seguir irreconciliable con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir la conversación = follow + the thread.
    * seguir la corazonada de uno = play + Posesivo + hunches.
    * seguir la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * seguir la iniciativa = follow + the lead.
    * seguir la marcha de = monitor.
    * seguir la moda = catch + the fever.
    * seguir la pista = follow up, track, follow through, shadow, track down.
    * seguir la pista a un documento = chase + item.
    * seguir la pista de = keep + track of.
    * seguir la trayectoria = follow up, follow through.
    * seguirle el juego a, seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguir levantado = stay up.
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir los pasos de = follow in + the footsteps of.
    * seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir por delante de = keep + one step ahead of.
    * seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.
    * seguir + Posesivo + pasos = follow in + Posesivo + footsteps.
    * seguir progresando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguirse = ensue.
    * seguir siendo = remain.
    * seguir siendo + Adjetivo = remain + Adjetivo.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir sin agraciarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin haberse traducido = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir sin reconciliarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin traducirse = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación = work (a)round + shortcoming, work (a)round + limitation, work (a)round + constraints.
    * seguir trabajando así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir tratando = discuss + further.
    * seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.
    * seguir una escala = fall along + a continuum.
    * seguir una estrategia = take + tack.
    * seguir una filosofía = espouse + philosophy.
    * seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.
    * seguir una táctica = take + tack.
    * seguir una trayectoria = follow + track.
    * seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.
    * seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * seguir un consejo = take + advice.
    * seguir un curso de acción = follow + track.
    * seguir un método = take + approach.
    * seguir un modelo = embrace + model, conform to + image.
    * seguir unos pasos = follow + steps.
    * seguir un patrón = conform to + image.
    * seguir un principio = adopt + convention.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * seguir + Verbo = still + Verbo.
    * seguir vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * seguir viviendo = live on.
    * seguir vivo = live on, stay + alive.
    * siguiendo = along.
    * siguiendo un estilo indicativo = indicatively.
    * si sigue así = at this rate.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * tiempo + seguir su marcha inexorable = time + march on.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) <persona/vehículo/presa> to follow

    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir — she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her

    el que la sigue la consigue — (fam) if at first you don't succeed, try, try again

    2) <camino/ruta>

    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puentego along o follow this road as far as the bridge

    3) ( en el tiempo) to follow

    seguir a algo/alguien — to follow something/somebody

    a) <instrucciones/consejo/flecha> to follow
    b) ( basarse en) <autor/teoría/método/tradición> to follow
    a) <trámite/procedimiento> to follow
    b) (Educ) < curso> to take

    estoy siguiendo un curso de fotografíaI'm doing o taking a photography course

    a) <explicaciones/profesor> to follow

    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir — she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up

    ¿me siguen? — are you with me?

    no sigo ese programa — I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program

    seguir vi
    a) ( por un camino) to go on

    siga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle — keep o go straight on to the end of the street

    seguir de largo — (AmL) to go straight past

    c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar)

    siga por favor — come in, please

    2) (en lugar, estado)

    ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? — are your parents still in Geneva?

    sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre — she's still single/as pretty as ever

    si las cosas siguen así... — if things carry on like this...

    si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos — if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way

    a) tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia to continue; rumores to persist

    seguir + ger: sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone; sigue leyendo tú you read now; seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera — I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way (frml)

    a) (venir después, estar contiguo)
    b) historia/poema to continue

    ¿cómo sigue la canción? — how does the song go on?

    seguirse v pron (en 3a pers)

    de esto se sigue que... — it follows from this that...

    * * *
    = accord with, adhere to, chase, conform to, espouse, fit, follow, keep to, observe, pursue, run along, stay, stick to, proceed, overlay, carry on, go ahead, soldier on, succeed, hew to, overlie, keep up, roll on.

    Ex: So while that tracing may have accorded with a rule, it violated common sense.

    Ex: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.
    Ex: Also, in controlled indexing language data bases, there is often an assumption that a user will be prepared to chase strings of references or to consult a sometimes complex thesaurus.
    Ex: These basic permutation rules are modified somewhat to conform to bibliographic requirements.
    Ex: Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
    Ex: Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
    Ex: An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.
    Ex: Obviously, once a choice of citation order has been made it must be kept to, otherwise, chaos will result.
    Ex: It is worth briefly observing a general approach to the creation of a data base.
    Ex: All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.
    Ex: Whevener logical processes of thought are employed - that is, whenever thought for a time runs along an accepted groove - there is an opportunity for the machine.
    Ex: What is possibly less easy is to making sure that the guiding stays clean, neat and accurate.
    Ex: It might be striking to outline the instrumentalities of the future more spectacularly, rather than to stick closely to methods and elements now known.
    Ex: Before we proceed to look at the operators in detail, a couple of examples may help to make the layout clearer.
    Ex: There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.
    Ex: If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
    Ex: A plan for the construction and implementation phases will be drawn up, if it is decided to go ahead = Si se decide continuar, se elaborará un plan para las fases de construcción y puesta en práctica.
    Ex: Russell soldiered on in 'Principles of Mathematics', he pleaded a distinction between analysis by way of philosophical definitions and analysis by way of mathematical definitions.
    Ex: In 1964 he was promoted to Associate Director of the Processing Department where he succeeded John Cronin as Director four years later.
    Ex: The structure adopted hews to the theoretical model of the resilient organization as described by Enright.
    Ex: The disputes between islanders and outsiders overlie the deeper problem of administrative denial of indigenous lagoon rights.
    Ex: He was told to ' keep up whatever it is he was doing' because he was doing great!.
    Ex: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    * camino a seguir, el = way forward, the.
    * como siga así = at this rate.
    * como sigue = as follows.
    * debate + seguir = debate + rage.
    * difícil de seguir = heavy going.
    * el camino a seguir = the way ahead, the way to go.
    * hay que seguir adelante = the show must go on.
    * indicar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * indicar el camino a seguir para = point + the way to.
    * las cosas siguen igual = business as usual.
    * la vida + seguir = life + go on.
    * modelos a seguir = lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * mostrar el camino a seguir = point + the way forward.
    * no saber cómo seguir = be stuck, get + stuck.
    * no seguir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * pautas a seguir = best practices, lessons learned [lessons learnt].
    * pendiente de seguir la última moda = fashion-conscious.
    * procedimiento a seguir = code of practice.
    * que sigue = ensuing.
    * que sigue una norma = compliant (with).
    * que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
    * resignarse y seguir adelante = bite + the bullet.
    * seguir activo = remain + in being, remain + in place.
    * seguir adelante = go forward, forge + ahead, forge + forward, go ahead, go straight ahead, carry through, move along, move forward, press forward (with), move + forward, continue on + Posesivo + way, move on.
    * seguir adelante con = go ahead with, stick with.
    * seguir a flote = stay in + business, stay + afloat.
    * seguir al día = remain on top of.
    * seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir Algo a rajatabla = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir al pie del cañón = soldier on.
    * seguir a rajatabla = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * seguir así = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir avanzando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguir caminando = continue on + Posesivo + way.
    * seguir como antes = go on + as before.
    * seguir como modelo = pattern.
    * seguir con = go on with, maintain + continuity, maintain + momentum, stick at.
    * seguir con Algo = take + Nombre + further.
    * seguir con el buen hacer = keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work.
    * seguir con el control = stay in + control.
    * seguir con el mando = stay in + control.
    * seguir con + Posesivo + vida normal = get on with + Posesivo + life.
    * seguir considerando = consider + further.
    * seguir de cerca = monitor, stay in + control, keep + track of.
    * seguir desarrollando = develop + further.
    * seguir el buen camino = keep on + the right track, keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino de la verdad = keep on + the straight and narrow.
    * seguir el camino más ético = take + the high ground, take + the high road.
    * seguir el debate = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ejemplo = follow + the lead, take after.
    * seguir el ejemplo de = take + Posesivo + cue from, take + a cue from.
    * seguir el ejemplo de Alguien = take + a leaf out of + Posesivo + book, follow + Posesivo + example.
    * seguir el hilo = follow + the thread.
    * seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.
    * seguir en contacto = stay + tuned.
    * seguir en contacto (con) = stay in + touch (with), keep in + touch (with).
    * seguir en existencia = remain + in being.
    * seguir en la brecha = soldier on.
    * seguir en pie = hold + Posesivo + own, hold up.
    * seguir entre los primeros = remain on top.
    * seguir enviando + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * seguir este camino = go along + this road.
    * seguir este rumbo = proceed + along this way.
    * seguir + Gerundio = keep on + Gerundio.
    * seguir haciéndolo así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciéndolo bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir haciendo lo mismo = business as usual.
    * seguir igual = be none the worse for wear.
    * seguir inmediatamente = fast on the heels of, on the heels of.
    * seguir inmediatamente a = come on + the heels of.
    * seguir irreconciliable con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir la conversación = follow + the thread.
    * seguir la corazonada de uno = play + Posesivo + hunches.
    * seguir la corriente = go with + the flow, go along with + the flow.
    * seguir la iniciativa = follow + the lead.
    * seguir la marcha de = monitor.
    * seguir la moda = catch + the fever.
    * seguir la pista = follow up, track, follow through, shadow, track down.
    * seguir la pista a un documento = chase + item.
    * seguir la pista de = keep + track of.
    * seguir la trayectoria = follow up, follow through.
    * seguirle el juego a, seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguirle la corriente a = play along with.
    * seguir levantado = stay up.
    * seguir líneas diferentes = be on different lines.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir los pasos de = follow in + the footsteps of.
    * seguir malgastando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir opuesto a = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir por delante de = keep + one step ahead of.
    * seguir por el buen camino = keep out of + trouble, keep on + the right track.
    * seguir + Posesivo + pasos = follow in + Posesivo + footsteps.
    * seguir progresando = forge + ahead, forge + forward.
    * seguirse = ensue.
    * seguir siendo = remain.
    * seguir siendo + Adjetivo = remain + Adjetivo.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir sin agraciarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin haberse traducido = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir sin reconciliarse con = remain + unreconciled to.
    * seguir sin traducirse = remain + untranslated.
    * seguir tirando el dinero = throw + good money after bad.
    * seguir trabajando aceptando una limitación = work (a)round + shortcoming, work (a)round + limitation, work (a)round + constraints.
    * seguir trabajando así = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir trabajando bien = keep up + the good work.
    * seguir tratando = discuss + further.
    * seguir una dirección = follow + path, take + path.
    * seguir una escala = fall along + a continuum.
    * seguir una estrategia = take + tack.
    * seguir una filosofía = espouse + philosophy.
    * seguir una metodología = adopt + approach.
    * seguir una práctica = adopt + practice.
    * seguir una táctica = take + tack.
    * seguir una trayectoria = follow + track.
    * seguir un camino = take + path, take + direction, tread + path, walk + path.
    * seguir un camino diferente = strike out on + a different path.
    * seguir un consejo = take + advice.
    * seguir un curso de acción = follow + track.
    * seguir un método = take + approach.
    * seguir un modelo = embrace + model, conform to + image.
    * seguir unos pasos = follow + steps.
    * seguir un patrón = conform to + image.
    * seguir un principio = adopt + convention.
    * seguir un rumbo diferente = take + a different turn.
    * seguir + Verbo = still + Verbo.
    * seguir vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * seguir viviendo = live on.
    * seguir vivo = live on, stay + alive.
    * siguiendo = along.
    * siguiendo un estilo indicativo = indicatively.
    * si sigue así = at this rate.
    * si todo sigue igual = all (other) things being equal.
    * tiempo + seguir su marcha inexorable = time + march on.

    * * *
    seguir [ I30 ]
    A ‹persona/vehículo› to follow; ‹presa› to follow
    sígame, por favor follow me, please
    la hizo seguir por un detective he had her followed by a detective
    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her
    siga (a) ese coche follow that car!
    creo que nos están siguiendo I think we're being followed
    la siguió con la mirada he followed her with his eyes
    le venían siguiendo los movimientos desde hacía meses they had been watching his movements for months
    seguidos cada vez más de cerca por los japoneses with the Japanese catching up o gaining on them all the time
    la mala suerte la seguía a todas partes she was dogged by bad luck wherever she went
    el que la sigue la consigue or la mata ( fam); if at first you don't succeed, try, try again
    B ‹camino/ruta›
    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente go along o take o follow this road as far as the bridge
    continuamos el viaje siguiendo la costa we continued our journey following the coast
    me paré a saludarla y seguí mi camino I stopped to say hello to her and went on my way
    si se sigue este camino se pasa por Capileira if you take this route you go through Capileira
    seguimos las huellas del animal hasta el río we tracked the animal to the river
    la enfermedad sigue su curso normal the illness is taking o running its normal course
    el tour sigue la ruta de Bolívar the tour follows the route taken by Bolivar
    siguiéndole los pasos al hermano mayor, decidió estudiar medicina following in his elder brother's footsteps, he decided to study medicine
    C (en el tiempo) to follow seguir A algo/algn to follow sth/sb
    los disturbios que siguieron a la manifestación the disturbances that followed the demonstration
    el hermano que me sigue está en Asunción the brother who comes after me is in Asunción
    1 ‹instrucciones/consejo› to follow
    tienes que seguir el dictamen de tu conciencia you must be guided by your conscience
    2 (basarse en) ‹autor/teoría/método› to follow
    en su clasificación sigue a Sheldon he follows Sheldon in his classification
    sus esculturas siguen el modelo clásico her sculptures are in the classical style
    sigue a Kant she's a follower of Kant's philosophy
    sigue las líneas establecidas por nuestro fundador it follows the lines laid down by our founder
    1 ‹trámite/procedimiento› to follow
    va a tener que seguir un tratamiento especial/una dieta hipocalórica you will have to undergo special treatment/follow a low-calorie diet
    se seguirá contra usted el procedimiento de suspensión del permiso de conducción steps will be taken leading to the withdrawal of your driver's license
    2 ( Educ) ‹curso› to take
    estoy siguiendo un cursillo de fotografía I'm doing o taking a short photography course
    ¿qué carrera piensas seguir? what are you thinking of studying o reading?
    1 ‹explicaciones/profesor› to follow
    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up
    me cuesta seguir una conversación en francés I find it hard to follow a conversation in French
    ¿me siguen? are you with me?
    (permanecer atento a): no sigo ese programa I don't watch that program, I'm not following that program
    sigue atentamente el curso de los acontecimientos he's following the course of events very closely
    sigue paso a paso la vida de su ídolo she keeps track of every detail of her idol's life
    seguimos muy de cerca su desarrollo we are keeping careful track of its development, we are following its development very closely
    ■ seguir
    1 (por un camino) to go on
    siga derecho or todo recto hasta el final de la calle keep o go straight on to the end of the street
    sigue por esta calle hasta el semáforo go on down this street as far as the traffic lights
    el tren sigue hasta Salto the train goes on to Salto
    desde allí hay que seguir a pie/en mula from there you have to go on on foot/by mule
    seguir adelante: ¿entienden? bien, entonces sigamos adelante do you understand? good, then let's carry on
    llueve ¿regresamos? — no, sigamos adelante it's raining, shall we go back? — no, let's go on o carry on
    resolvieron seguir adelante con los planes they decided to go ahead with their plans
    ( Col) (entrar): siga por favor come in, please
    (en un lugar, un estado): ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? are your parents still in Geneva?
    espero que sigan todos bien I hope you're all keeping well
    ¿sigues con la idea de mudarte? do you still intend to move?, are you still thinking of moving?
    sigo sin entender I still don't understand
    sigue soltera/tan bonita como siempre she's still single/as pretty as ever
    si sigue así de trabajador, llegará lejos if he carries on working as hard as this, he'll go a long way
    «tareas/investigaciones/rumores»: siguen las investigaciones en torno al crimen investigations are continuing into the crime
    sigue el buen tiempo en todo el país the good weather is continuing throughout the country, the whole country is still enjoying good weather
    si siguen estos rumores if these rumors persist
    2 seguir + GER:
    sigo pensando que deberíamos haber ido I still think we ought to have gone
    sigue leyendo tú, Elsa you read now, Elsa
    si sigues molestando te voy a echar if you carry on being a nuisance, I'm going to send you out
    seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera I'll go on o carry on doing it my way, I shall continue to do it my way ( frml)
    (venir después, estar contiguo): lee lo que sigue read what follows, read what comes next
    el capítulo que sigue the next chapter
    me bajo en la parada que sigue I get off at the next stop
    sigue una hora de música clásica there follows an hour of classical music
    2 «historia/poema» to continue
    ¿cómo sigue la canción? how does the song go on?
    [ S ] sigue en la página 8 continued on page 8
    la lista definitiva ha quedado como sigue the final list is as follows
    ( en tercera persona) seguirse DE algo to follow FROM sth
    de esto se sigue que su muerte no fue accidental it follows from this that her death was not accidental
    * * *


    seguir ( conjugate seguir) verbo transitivo
    1persona/vehículo/presa to follow;
    camina muy rápido, no la puedo seguir she walks very fast, I can't keep up with her

    2camino/ruta to follow, go along;
    siga esta carretera hasta llegar al puente go along o follow this road as far as the bridge;

    la saludé y seguí mi camino I said hello to her and went on (my way);
    la enfermedad sigue su curso normal the illness is running its normal course
    a)instrucciones/consejo/flecha to follow

    b)autor/método/tradición/moda to follow;

    a)trámite/procedimiento to follow;

    tratamiento to undergo
    b) (Educ) ‹ curso to do, take

    5explicaciones/profesor to follow;
    dicta demasiado rápido, no la puedo seguir she dictates too quickly, I can't keep up

    verbo intransitivo

    siga derecho or todo recto keep o go straight on;

    seguir de largo (AmL) to go straight past

    resolvieron seguir adelante con los planes they decided to go ahead with their plans
    c) (Col, Ven) ( entrar):

    siga por favor come in, please

    2 (en lugar, estado):
    ¿tus padres siguen en Ginebra? are your parents still in Geneva?;

    espero que sigan todos bien I hope you're all keeping well;
    sigue soltera she's still single;
    si las cosas siguen así … if things carry on like this …
    3 [tareas/buen tiempo/lluvia] to continue;
    [ rumores] to persist;

    seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera I'll go on o carry on doing it my way

    el capítulo que sigue the next chapter
    b) [historia/poema] to continue, go on

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to follow: ésta es la hermana que me sigue, she's the sister who comes after me
    me sigue a todas partes, he follows me wherever I go
    me seguía con la mirada, his eyes followed me
    2 (comprender) to understand, follow: no soy capaz de seguir el argumento, I can't follow the plot
    3 (una ruta, un camino, consejo) to follow
    4 (el ritmo, la moda) to keep: no sigues el ritmo, you aren't keeping time
    5 (el rastro, las huellas) to track
    6 (una actividad) sigue un curso de informática, she's doing a computer course
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (continuar) to keep (on), go on: seguiremos mañana, we'll continue tomorrow
    siguen casados, they are still married
    sigue tirando de la cuerda, keep (on) pulling at the rope ➣ Ver nota en continue y keep 2 (extenderse, llegar hasta) to stretch (out): los sembrados siguen hasta la ribera, the fields stretch down to the river-bank
    ' seguir' also found in these entries:
    - continuar
    - escala
    - golpe
    - impulsar
    - juego
    - profesar
    - rastrear
    - ritmo
    - sino
    - suceder
    - trece
    - adelante
    - bordear
    - camino
    - cauce
    - cerca
    - línea
    - llevar
    - moda
    - paso
    - perro
    - racha
    - separar
    - siga
    - sigo
    - trazar
    - ver
    act on
    - advice
    - along
    - carry on
    - closely
    - continue
    - despite
    - ensue
    - fight on
    - follow
    - follow up
    - forge
    - get on
    - go ahead
    - go on
    - go through with
    - hope
    - hotly
    - keep
    - keep on
    - lead
    - march on
    - monitor
    - move on
    - obey
    - pick up
    - play on
    - play upon
    - practice
    - practise
    - press ahead
    - proceed
    - pursue
    - push ahead
    - push on
    - rattle on
    - reasoning
    - run on
    - send on
    - shadow
    - soldier on
    - stalk
    - stand
    - stay out
    - struggle on
    - succeed
    - tail
    - take
    - track
    - trail
    * * *
    1. [ir detrás de, tomar la ruta de] to follow;
    tú ve delante, que yo te sigo you go ahead, I'll follow o I'll go behind;
    síganme, por favor follow me, please;
    la generación que nos sigue o [m5] que sigue a la nuestra the next generation, the generation after us;
    sigue este sendero hasta llegar a un bosque follow this path until you come to a forest;
    seguir el rastro de alguien/algo to follow sb's/sth's tracks;
    siga la flecha [en letrero] follow the arrow
    2. [perseguir] to follow;
    me parece que nos siguen I think we're being followed;
    parece que le siguen los problemas trouble seems to follow him around wherever he goes;
    el que la sigue la consigue where there's a will there's a way
    3. [estar atento a, imitar, obedecer] to follow;
    seguían con la vista la trayectoria de la bola they followed the ball with their eyes;
    no seguimos ese programa we don't follow that programme;
    seguir algo de cerca [su desarrollo, sus resultados] to follow o monitor sth closely;
    siempre sigue los dictámenes de la moda she always follows the latest fashion;
    los que siguen a Keynes followers of Keynes;
    el cuadro sigue una línea clásica the painting is classical in style;
    seguir las órdenes/instrucciones de alguien to follow sb's orders/instructions;
    sigue mi consejo y habla con ella take my advice and talk to her;
    siguiendo sus indicaciones, hemos cancelado el pedido we have cancelled the order as instructed
    4. [reanudar, continuar] to continue, to resume;
    yo seguí mi trabajo/camino I continued with my work/on my way;
    él siguió su discurso he continued o resumed his speech
    5. [comprender] [explicación, profesor, conferenciante] to follow;
    me costaba seguirle I found her hard to follow;
    ¿me sigues? do you follow?, are you with me?
    6. [mantener, someterse a] to follow;
    hay que seguir un cierto orden you have to follow o do things in a certain order;
    seguiremos el procedimiento habitual we will follow the usual procedure;
    es difícil seguirle (el ritmo), va muy deprisa it's hard to keep up with him, he goes very quickly;
    los aspirantes elegidos seguirán un proceso de formación the chosen candidates will receive o undergo training
    7. [cursar]
    sigue un curso de italiano he's doing an Italian course;
    sigue la carrera de medicina she's studying medicine
    1. [proseguir, no detenerse] to continue, to go on;
    ¡sigue, no te pares! go o carry on, don't stop!;
    aquí se baja él, yo sigo [al taxista] he's getting out here, I'm going on;
    siga con su trabajo carry on with your work;
    el sendero sigue hasta la cima the path continues o carries on to the top;
    "sigue la crisis en la bolsa de Tokio" Tokyo stock market crisis continues;
    debes seguir haciéndolo you should keep on o carry on doing it;
    ¿vas a seguir intentándolo? are you going to keep trying?;
    se seguían viendo de vez en cuando they still saw each other from time to time, they continued to see each other from time to time;
    seguir adelante (con algo) [con planes, proyectos] to go ahead (with sth)
    2. [mantenerse, permanecer]
    sigue enferma/en el hospital she's still ill/in hospital;
    ¿qué tal sigue la familia? how's the family getting on o keeping?;
    todo sigue igual everything's still the same, nothing has changed;
    sigue el buen tiempo en el sur del país the good weather in the south of the country is continuing;
    sigo trabajando en la fábrica I'm still working at the factory;
    ¿la sigues queriendo? do you still love her?;
    sigo pensando que está mal I still think it's wrong;
    sigue habiendo dudas sobre… doubts remain about…;
    ¡buen trabajo, sigue así! good work, keep it up!;
    si seguimos jugando así, ganaremos la liga if we carry on o keep playing like that, we'll win the league;
    a seguir bien [como despedida] take care, look after yourself;
    de seguir así las cosas, si las cosas siguen así if things go on like this, the way things are going
    3. [tomar un camino]
    el resto siguió por otro camino the rest went another way;
    seguiremos hacia el este we'll go east then;
    siga todo recto go straight on;
    siga hasta el siguiente semáforo carry on till you get to the next set of traffic lights
    4. [sucederse, ir después] to follow;
    lo que sigue es una cita del Corán the following is a quotation from the Koran;
    seguir a algo to follow sth;
    la lluvia siguió a los truenos the thunder was followed by rain;
    ¿cómo sigue el chiste? how does the joke go on o continue?;
    el proceso de selección se realizará como sigue:… the selection process will be carried out as follows:…;
    sigue en la página 20 [en periódico, libro] continued on page 20
    5. Col [para dar permiso] please do;
    con permiso, ¿puedo entrar? – siga excuse me, can I come in? – please do
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 consejo, camino, moda etc follow;
    seguir a alguien follow s.o.
    seguir fiel a alguien remain faithful to s.o.
    II v/i continue, carry on;
    seguir con algo continue with sth, carry on with sth;
    seguir haciendo algo go on doing sth, continue to do sth;
    sigue cometiendo los mismos errores he keeps on making the same mistakes;
    sigue enfadado conmigo he’s still angry with me;
    ¡a seguir bien! take care!, take it easy!
    * * *
    seguir {75} vt
    1) : to follow
    el sol sigue la lluvia: sunshine follows the rain
    seguiré tu consejo: I'll follow your advice
    me siguieron con la mirada: they followed me with their eyes
    2) : to go along, to keep on
    seguimos toda la carretera panamericana: we continued along the PanAmerican Highway
    siguió hablando: he kept on talking
    seguir el curso: to stay on course
    3) : to take (a course, a treatment)
    seguir vi
    1) : to go on, to keep going
    sigue adelante: keep going, carry on
    2) : to remain, to continue to be
    ¿todavía sigues aquí?: you're still here?
    sigue con vida: she's still alive
    3) : to follow, to come after
    la frase que sigue: the following sentence
    * * *
    seguir vb
    1. (en general) to follow
    3. (recorrer) to go on
    ¡sigue! No te pares go on! Don't stop!
    4. (continuar) to be still

    Spanish-English dictionary > seguir

  • 11 reflejar

    1 to reflect (onda, rayo).
    no me veo reflejado en esa descripción I don't see myself in that description
    El metal refleja la luz Metal reflects light.
    El cuadro refleja su tristeza The drawing reflects her sadness.
    2 to show (sentimiento, duda).
    esa pregunta refleja su ignorancia that question shows o demonstrates his ignorance
    su rostro reflejaba el cansancio his face looked tired
    * * *
    1 (gen) to reflect
    2 (mostrar) to show
    1 to be reflected
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ imagen, luz] to reflect
    2) (=manifestar) to reflect

    su expresión reflejaba inquietud — you could see the worry in her face, she wore a worried expression (on her face)

    * * *
    a) <imagen/luz> verbo transitivo to reflect
    b) ( mostrar)< ambiente> to reflect
    reflejarse v pron
    a) imagen to be reflected
    b) emoción/cansancio/duda to show
    * * *
    = be reflective of, display, embody, mirror, reflect, portray, project, illustrate, bear + correspondence (to).
    Ex. The reference librarian, on the other hand, wants a tool which is reflective of the approach that a user might take at that moment, not the approach of a user who might have flourished at the time when the record was made.
    Ex. The command function 'DISPLAY' is used to display a list of alphabetically linked terms.
    Ex. In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex. The final index will mirror current terminology.
    Ex. The schedules are divided into three main areas, as reflected in Figure 14.
    Ex. Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.
    Ex. The grand objective projected here will be little affected by ISBD.
    Ex. The presence of eggshells, faecal pellets, and silk threads in association with a mite-like animal illustrates a complex ecosystem.
    Ex. However, many librarians remain unconvinced that the global citation data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) bears enough correspondence to their local situation to be useful.
    * reflejar la luz = trap + light.
    * * *
    a) <imagen/luz> verbo transitivo to reflect
    b) ( mostrar)< ambiente> to reflect
    reflejarse v pron
    a) imagen to be reflected
    b) emoción/cansancio/duda to show
    * * *
    = be reflective of, display, embody, mirror, reflect, portray, project, illustrate, bear + correspondence (to).

    Ex: The reference librarian, on the other hand, wants a tool which is reflective of the approach that a user might take at that moment, not the approach of a user who might have flourished at the time when the record was made.

    Ex: The command function 'DISPLAY' is used to display a list of alphabetically linked terms.
    Ex: In alphabetical indexing languages, such as are embodied in thesauri and subject headings lists, subject terms are the alphabetical names of the subjects.
    Ex: The final index will mirror current terminology.
    Ex: The schedules are divided into three main areas, as reflected in Figure 14.
    Ex: Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.
    Ex: The grand objective projected here will be little affected by ISBD.
    Ex: The presence of eggshells, faecal pellets, and silk threads in association with a mite-like animal illustrates a complex ecosystem.
    Ex: However, many librarians remain unconvinced that the global citation data from the Journal Citation Report (JCR) bears enough correspondence to their local situation to be useful.
    * reflejar la luz = trap + light.

    * * *
    reflejar [A1 ]
    1 ‹luz/imagen› to reflect
    el espejo reflejaba su imagen his image was reflected in the mirror
    2 (mostrar, representar) to reflect
    ha querido reflejar el ambiente social de la época she has tried to reflect the social climate of the period
    1 «imagen» to be reflected
    (mostrarse): el cansancio se reflejaba en su rostro her tiredness showed on her face
    en la película quedan reflejados los problemas de la sociedad actual the problems of contemporary society are reflected in the movie
    * * *


    reflejar ( conjugate reflejar) verbo transitivo
    to reflect
    reflejarse verbo pronominal

    b) [emoción/cansancio/duda] to show

    reflejar verbo transitivo & verbo intransitivo to reflect: su novela refleja la desesperación de la población civil, his novel captured the desperation of the civilian population
    ' reflejar' also found in these entries:
    - reflectora
    - mirror
    - reflect
    * * *
    1. [onda, rayo] to reflect;
    no me veo reflejado en esa descripción I don't see myself in that description
    2. [sentimiento, duda] to show;
    su rostro reflejaba el cansancio his tiredness showed in his face;
    esa pregunta refleja su ignorancia that question shows o demonstrates his ignorance;
    su voz reflejaba su nerviosismo his nervousness showed in his voice
    * * *
    v/t tb fig
    * * *
    : to reflect
    * * *
    reflejar vb to reflect

    Spanish-English dictionary > reflejar

  • 12 simple

    2 simple (sencillo, tonto).
    3 simple, easy.
    es muy simple, metes la moneda y ya está it's quite simple, all you have to do is insert the coin
    4 mere (mero).
    por simple estupidez through sheer stupidity
    nos basta con su simple palabra his word is enough for us by itself
    no le pedí más que un simple favor all I asked him for was a favor
    5 prime (Mat).
    f. & m.
    simpleton (person).
    * * *
    1 (gen) simple
    2 (único) single, just one
    3 (mero) mere
    4 (persona) simple, simple-minded
    1 simpleton
    1 (tenis) singles plural
    por simple descuido through sheer carelessness
    * * *
    1) mere
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=sin adornos) [peinado, objeto] simple; [vestido, decoración] plain
    2) [método] simple, easy, straightforward
    3) [antes de sustantivo] (=mero) mere
    4) [antes de sustantivo] (=corriente) ordinary

    es un simple abogadohe's only o just a solicitor

    5) [persona] (=sin complicaciones) simple; (=crédulo) gullible; pey (=de pocas luces) simple-minded
    6) (Ling, Quím) simple
    7) (Bot) single
    SMF (=persona) simpleton
    SMPL pl simples (Tenis) singles; (Bot) simples
    * * *
    a) (sencillo, fácil) <sistema/procedimiento> simple
    b) (Quím) < sustancia> simple
    c) (Ling) < tiempo> simple
    2) (delante del n) ( mero) simple
    3) ( tonto) simple, simple-minded
    masculino y femenino simpleton
    * * *
    = mere, non-intellectual, pure [pure -comp., purest -sup.], sheer [sheerer -comp., sheerest -sup.], simple [simpler -comp., simplest -sup.], single, straight [straighter -comp., straightest -sup.], straightforward, unadorned, low-key [low key], schematic, simple-minded, uncluttered, unsophisticated, naked, unfussy, uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly, low-keyed, hassle-free, no-brainer.
    Ex. Contextual logic or proximity operators: these are a useful means of searching for more than the mere occurrence of a term; they also permit the searcher to specify the context in which the term should appear in some sense or other.
    Ex. The picture of the self-improvement-oriented readers contrasts sharply with the typical adult user who asks quite non-intellectual questions at the reference desk.
    Ex. The notation used in DC is pure, and numbers.
    Ex. The sheer bulk of the headings and the complexity of references structures is sufficient to confirm that a more systematic approach might prove fruitful.
    Ex. Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
    Ex. Equally important was the desire to achieve a single text.
    Ex. Thus these indexes contain more entries than a straight KWIC index and are inclined to be relatively bulky.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. Concrete illustrations are always better than unadorned abstract description.
    Ex. Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
    Ex. None of this is ever as schematic and neatly arranged, step-by-step, as my discussion of it here makes it seem = Nunca nada de esto es tan simple, bien ordenado y secuencial como lo hago parecer.
    Ex. Granted the seemingly simple-minded examples that have been used, such as changing NEGROES to AFRO-AMERICANS and BLACKS, appear fairly straightforward.
    Ex. Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
    Ex. Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
    Ex. Everything in this book is set down without reference to context, or author's intention, or the naked facts and figures, or the difference between one kind of writing and reading and another.
    Ex. Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.
    Ex. It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
    Ex. Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
    Ex. Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    Ex. Cooking dry beans in the crockpot makes them relatively hassle-free.
    Ex. Recycling is a no-brainer since it conserves our natural resources and reduces air pollution.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * de una forma simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * interés simple = simple interest.
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * por simple curiosidad = (just) as a mater of interest, just out of interest.
    * simple ciudadano, el = man-on-the-street, man in the street, the.
    * simple mortal = lesser mortal.
    * simple y llanamente = just plain, plainly and simply.
    * tan simple como = with as little ado as.
    * unidad simple = singleton.
    * * *
    a) (sencillo, fácil) <sistema/procedimiento> simple
    b) (Quím) < sustancia> simple
    c) (Ling) < tiempo> simple
    2) (delante del n) ( mero) simple
    3) ( tonto) simple, simple-minded
    masculino y femenino simpleton
    * * *
    = mere, non-intellectual, pure [pure -comp., purest -sup.], sheer [sheerer -comp., sheerest -sup.], simple [simpler -comp., simplest -sup.], single, straight [straighter -comp., straightest -sup.], straightforward, unadorned, low-key [low key], schematic, simple-minded, uncluttered, unsophisticated, naked, unfussy, uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly, low-keyed, hassle-free, no-brainer.

    Ex: Contextual logic or proximity operators: these are a useful means of searching for more than the mere occurrence of a term; they also permit the searcher to specify the context in which the term should appear in some sense or other.

    Ex: The picture of the self-improvement-oriented readers contrasts sharply with the typical adult user who asks quite non-intellectual questions at the reference desk.
    Ex: The notation used in DC is pure, and numbers.
    Ex: The sheer bulk of the headings and the complexity of references structures is sufficient to confirm that a more systematic approach might prove fruitful.
    Ex: Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
    Ex: Equally important was the desire to achieve a single text.
    Ex: Thus these indexes contain more entries than a straight KWIC index and are inclined to be relatively bulky.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: Concrete illustrations are always better than unadorned abstract description.
    Ex: Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
    Ex: None of this is ever as schematic and neatly arranged, step-by-step, as my discussion of it here makes it seem = Nunca nada de esto es tan simple, bien ordenado y secuencial como lo hago parecer.
    Ex: Granted the seemingly simple-minded examples that have been used, such as changing NEGROES to AFRO-AMERICANS and BLACKS, appear fairly straightforward.
    Ex: Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
    Ex: Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
    Ex: Everything in this book is set down without reference to context, or author's intention, or the naked facts and figures, or the difference between one kind of writing and reading and another.
    Ex: Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.
    Ex: It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
    Ex: Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
    Ex: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    Ex: Cooking dry beans in the crockpot makes them relatively hassle-free.
    Ex: Recycling is a no-brainer since it conserves our natural resources and reduces air pollution.
    * a simple vista = by the naked eye, superficially, on first thought.
    * búsqueda simple = simple search.
    * de una forma simple = in a simple manner.
    * de una manera simple = in a simple manner.
    * hacerle la vida más simple a todos = simplify + life for everyone.
    * interés simple = simple interest.
    * las cosas no son tan simples como parecen = there's more to it than meets the eye.
    * por simple curiosidad = (just) as a mater of interest, just out of interest.
    * simple ciudadano, el = man-on-the-street, man in the street, the.
    * simple mortal = lesser mortal.
    * simple y llanamente = just plain, plainly and simply.
    * tan simple como = with as little ado as.
    * unidad simple = singleton.

    * * *
    1 (sencillo, fácil) ‹sistema/procedimiento› simple
    el mecanismo no puede ser más simple the mechanism couldn't be (any) simpler o more straightforward
    la solución es muy simple the solution is very simple
    es una dieta simple pero completa it's a simple but complete diet
    2 ( Quím) ‹sustancia› simple
    3 ( Ling) ‹tiempo› simple
    B ( delante del n) (mero) simple
    un simple error puede causar un accidente a simple mistake can cause an accident
    no es más que un simple resfriado it's just a common cold
    era un simple soldado he was an ordinary soldier
    vista2 (↑ vista (2))
    C (tonto, bobo) simple, simple-minded
    es muy simple, pero buena persona he's rather simple o simple-minded, but he's a nice person
    no seas simple ¿no ves que así no haces nada? don't be silly o ( BrE colloq) daft, can't you see you won't get anywhere like that?
    * * *


    simple adjetivo
    1 (sencillo, fácil) simple;
    See also→ llanamente
    2 ( delante del n) ( mero) simple;
    el simple hecho de … the simple fact of …;

    es un simple resfriado it's just a common cold;
    un simple soldado an ordinary soldier
    3 ( tonto) simple, simple-minded
    ■ sustantivo masculino y femenino
    I adjetivo
    1 (sencillo) simple: estos ejercicios son muy simples, these exercises are very easy
    una cámara de simple manejo, an easy-to-use camera
    2 Ling Quím (no complejo, no compuesto) simple
    oración simple, simple sentence
    3 (mero, tan solo) mere, pure: somos simples espectadores, we are mere observers
    fue simple casualidad, it was pure coincidence
    pey es un simple secretario, he's just a secretary
    4 (cándido, sin malicia) naive, innocent
    pey (tonto) simple-minded, half-witted, foolish
    II m (ingenuo, inocente) innocent, naive person
    pey (simplón, tonto) simpleton, half-wit
    ' simple' also found in these entries:
    - baboso
    - bendita
    - bendito
    - boba
    - bobalicón
    - bobalicona
    - bobo
    - borrica
    - borrico
    - clavar
    - compuesta
    - compuesto
    - hincapié
    - idea
    - lila
    - llaneza
    - mayoría
    - pánfila
    - pánfilo
    - pardilla
    - pardillo
    - preferir
    - sencilla
    - sencillo
    - simpleza
    - triste
    - vista
    - hechura
    - llanamente
    - mero
    - pretérito
    - puro
    - ya
    - arithmetic
    - dowdy
    - gravestone
    - mere
    - naked
    - plain
    - simple
    - simple interest
    - simple-minded
    - simple-mindedness
    - single-spacing
    - basic
    - simply
    - unsophisticated
    * * *
    1. [sencillo, tonto] simple
    2. [fácil] easy, simple;
    es muy simple, metes la moneda y ya está it's quite simple, all you have to do is insert the coin
    3. [sin complicación] simple;
    una decoración simple a simple decoration
    4. [único, sin componentes] single;
    dame una simple razón give me one single reason
    5. [mero]
    es un simple trabajador he's a simple o an ordinary worker;
    no le pedí más que un simple favor I merely asked her a favour;
    nos basta con su simple palabra his word is enough for us by itself;
    por simple estupidez through sheer stupidity
    6. Mat prime
    7. Quím simple
    8. Ling [verbo] simple
    [persona] simpleton
    * * *
    I adj
    1 ( fácil) simple
    2 ( mero) ordinary
    II m/f simpleton
    * * *
    simple adj
    1) sencillo: plain, simple, easy
    2) : pure, mere
    por simple vanidad: out of pure vanity
    3) : simpleminded, foolish
    : fool, simpleton
    * * *
    simple adj
    1. (sencillo) simple
    2. (solamente) just

    Spanish-English dictionary > simple

  • 13 edificio

    edificio inteligente intelligent building
    * * *
    1 building
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (Arquit) building, edifice frm

    edificio de apartamentos — block of flats, apartment building o house (EEUU)

    edificio inteligente — smart building, intelligent building

    2) [moral] edification
    * * *
    masculino building
    * * *
    = building, edifice.
    Ex. Some libraries find that it is difficult to convey all the necessary information in a simple manner, merely because the collection is large, or housed in various separate buildings and wings, and the shelving sequence is complex.
    Ex. This paper highlights problems with a virtual approach, emphasising the need for libraries to both an edifice and an interface.
    * ala de edificio = wing.
    * almacenar en un edificio anexo = outhouse.
    * biblioteca como edificio = library building.
    * caparazón del edificio = building shell.
    * construcción de edificios = building construction.
    * construir un edificio = construct + building.
    * con varios edificios = multi-site [multisite].
    * desprendimientos de edificios = falling debris.
    * diseño de edificios = building design.
    * edificio alto = high-rise building.
    * edificio anexo = outbuilding.
    * edificio central = main site.
    * edificio civil = civic building.
    * edificio comercial = commercial building.
    * edificio construido según un plan cúbico = deep building.
    * edificio de apartamentos = apartment building, apartment complex.
    * edificio de oficinas = office building, office block.
    * edificio de pisos = condominium building.
    * edificio de valor histórico = heritage-listed building.
    * edificio en forma de cubo = cubic building.
    * edificio histórico = historic building, historical building.
    * edificio lineal = linear building.
    * edificio municipal = municipal building.
    * edificio protegido = listed building, heritage building, heritage-listed building.
    * edificio público = municipal building, public building.
    * edificios = bricks and mortar.
    * enseñar un edificio a Alguien = show + Nombre + round.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * estructura del edificio = building shell.
    * evacuar un edificio = clear + building.
    * horizonte dibujado por los edificios = skyline.
    * horizonte dibujado por un edificio = roofline.
    * método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.
    * temperatura ambiental del edificio = room temperature.
    * * *
    masculino building
    * * *
    = building, edifice.

    Ex: Some libraries find that it is difficult to convey all the necessary information in a simple manner, merely because the collection is large, or housed in various separate buildings and wings, and the shelving sequence is complex.

    Ex: This paper highlights problems with a virtual approach, emphasising the need for libraries to both an edifice and an interface.
    * ala de edificio = wing.
    * almacenar en un edificio anexo = outhouse.
    * biblioteca como edificio = library building.
    * caparazón del edificio = building shell.
    * construcción de edificios = building construction.
    * construir un edificio = construct + building.
    * con varios edificios = multi-site [multisite].
    * desprendimientos de edificios = falling debris.
    * diseño de edificios = building design.
    * edificio alto = high-rise building.
    * edificio anexo = outbuilding.
    * edificio central = main site.
    * edificio civil = civic building.
    * edificio comercial = commercial building.
    * edificio construido según un plan cúbico = deep building.
    * edificio de apartamentos = apartment building, apartment complex.
    * edificio de oficinas = office building, office block.
    * edificio de pisos = condominium building.
    * edificio de valor histórico = heritage-listed building.
    * edificio en forma de cubo = cubic building.
    * edificio histórico = historic building, historical building.
    * edificio lineal = linear building.
    * edificio municipal = municipal building.
    * edificio protegido = listed building, heritage building, heritage-listed building.
    * edificio público = municipal building, public building.
    * edificios = bricks and mortar.
    * enseñar un edificio a Alguien = show + Nombre + round.
    * en todo el edificio = site-wide.
    * estructura del edificio = building shell.
    * evacuar un edificio = clear + building.
    * horizonte dibujado por los edificios = skyline.
    * horizonte dibujado por un edificio = roofline.
    * método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.
    * temperatura ambiental del edificio = room temperature.

    * * *
    * * *


    edificio sustantivo masculino
    edificio sustantivo masculino building
    ' edificio' also found in these entries:
    - alta
    - alto
    - ampliar
    - archivo
    - ayuntamiento
    - baja
    - bajo
    - bloque
    - cacicada
    - casa
    - cimentar
    - conserje
    - construcción
    - correo
    - cuerpo
    - dentro
    - derribar
    - derrumbamiento
    - desalojar
    - deterioro
    - echar
    - efectuarse
    - estructura
    - extensión
    - frontal
    - habilitar
    - inclinación
    - pabellón
    - piso
    - plana
    - plano
    - planta
    - portera
    - portería
    - portero
    - proyectar
    - puerta
    - reconstruir
    - reforma
    - reformar
    - rehabilitar
    - rehabilitación
    - remate
    - renovar
    - renovación
    - repartir
    - replantear
    - restaurar
    - ruinosa
    - acoustic
    - adjacent
    - alteration
    - annexe
    - as
    - backroom
    - block
    - blow up
    - bright
    - build on
    - building
    - bulldoze
    - burn
    - burning
    - cast
    - centre
    - clear
    - clearance
    - collapse
    - come down
    - commit
    - complete
    - decay
    - demolish
    - derelict
    - dilapidated
    - doorman
    - drainage
    - dynamite
    - emphasize
    - erection
    - exit
    - exposure
    - face
    - fall down
    - fire
    - fitting
    - fixture
    - floor
    - frame
    - go up
    - grand
    - guard
    - gym
    - high
    - high-rise
    - honeycomb
    - intentionally
    - knock down
    * * *
    un edificio de oficinas an office building
    edificio inteligente intelligent o smart building
    * * *
    m building
    * * *
    : building, edifice
    * * *
    edificio n building

    Spanish-English dictionary > edificio

  • 14 комплексный

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > комплексный


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
    1. Abend, S. M. Identity. PMC. Forthcoming.
    2. Abend, S. M. (1974) Problems of identity. PQ, 43.
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    4. Abraham, K. (1916) The first pregenital stage of libido. Selected Papers. London, Hogarth Press, 1948.
    5. Abraham, K. (1917) Ejaculatio praecox. In: selected Papers. New York Basic Books.
    6. Abraham, K. (1921) Contributions to the theory of the anal character. Selected Papers. New York: Basic Books, 1953.
    7. Abraham, K. (1924) A Short study of the development of the libido, viewed in the light of mental disorders. In: Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1927.
    8. Abraham, K. (1924) Manic-depressive states and the pre-genital levels of the libido. In: Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1949.
    9. Abraham, K. (1924) Selected Papers. London: Hogarth Press, 1948.
    10. Abraham, K. (1924) The influence of oral erotism on character formation. Ibid.
    11. Abraham, K. (1925) The history of an impostor in the light of psychoanalytic knowledge. In: Clinical Papers and Essays on Psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books, 1955, vol. 2.
    12. Abrams, S. (1971) The psychoanalytic unconsciousness. In: The Unconscious Today, ed. M. Kanzer. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    13. Abrams, S. (1981) Insight. PSOC, 36.
    14. Abse, D W. (1985) The depressive character In Depressive States and their Treatment, ed. V. Volkan New York: Jason Aronson.
    15. Abse, D. W. (1985) Hysteria and Related Mental Disorders. Bristol: John Wright.
    16. Ackner, B. (1954) Depersonalization. J. Ment. Sci., 100.
    17. Adler, A. (1924) Individual Psychology. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
    18. Akhtar, S. (1984) The syndrome of identity diffusion. Amer. J. Psychiat., 141.
    19. Alexander, F. (1950) Psychosomatic Medicine. New York: Norton.
    20. Allen, D. W. (1974) The Feat- of Looking. Charlottesvill, Va: Univ. Press of Virginia.
    21. Allen, D. W. (1980) Psychoanalytic treatment of the exhibitionist. In: Exhibitionist, Description, Assessment, and Treatment, ed. D. Cox. New York: Garland STPM Press.
    22. Allport, G. (1937) Personality. New York: Henry Holt.
    23. Almansi, R. J. (1960) The face-breast equation. JAPA, 6.
    24. Almansi, R. J. (1979) Scopophilia and object loss. PQ, 47.
    25. Altman, L. Z. (1969) The Dream in Psychoanalysis. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    26. Altman, L. Z. (1977) Some vicissitudes of love. JAPA, 25.
    27. American Psychiatric Association. (1987) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3d ed. revised. Washington, D. C.
    28. Ansbacher, Z. & Ansbacher, R. (1956) The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. New York: Basic Books.
    29. Anthony, E. J. (1981) Shame, guilt, and the feminine self in psychoanalysis. In: Object and Self, ed. S. Tuttman, C. Kaye & M. Zimmerman. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    30. Arlow. J. A. (1953) Masturbation and symptom formation. JAPA, 1.
    31. Arlow. J. A. (1959) The structure of the deja vu experience. JAPA, 7.
    32. Arlow. J. A. (1961) Ego psychology and the study of mythology. JAPA, 9.
    33. Arlow. J. A. (1963) Conflict, regression and symptom formation. IJP, 44.
    34. Arlow. J. A. (1966) Depersonalization and derealization. In: Psychoanalysis: A General Psychology, ed. R. M. Loewenstein, L. M. Newman, M. Schur & A. J. Solnit. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    35. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Fantasy, memory and reality testing. PQ, 38.
    36. Arlow. J. A. (1969) Unconscious fantasy and disturbances of mental experience. PQ, 38.
    37. Arlow. J. A. (1970) The psychopathology of the psychoses. IJP, 51.
    38. Arlow. J. A. (1975) The structural hypothesis. PQ, 44.
    39. Arlow. J. A. (1977) Affects and the psychoanalytic situation. IJP, 58.
    40. Arlow. J. A. (1979) Metaphor and the psychoanalytic situation. PQ, 48.
    41. Arlow. J. A. (1979) The genesis of interpretation. JAPA, 27 (suppl.).
    42. Arlow. J. A. (1982) Problems of the superego concept. PSOC, 37.
    43. Arlow. J. A. (1984) Disturbances of the sense of time. PQ, 53.
    44. Arlow. J. A. (1985) Some technical problems of countertransference. PQ, 54.
    45. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1963) Psychoanalytic Concepts and the Structural Theory, New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    46. Arlow, J. A. & Brenner, C. (1969) The psychopathology of the psychoses. IJP, 50.
    47. Asch, S. S. (1966) Depression. PSOC, 21.
    48. Asch, S. S. (1976) Varieties of negative therapeutic reactions and problems of technique. JAPA, 24.
    49. Atkins, N. (1970) The Oedipus myth. Adolescence, and the succession of generations. JAPA, 18.
    50. Atkinson, J. W. & Birch, D. (1970) The Dynamics of Action. New York: Wiley.
    51. Bachrach, H. M. & Leaff, L. A. (1978) Analyzability. JAPA, 26.
    52. Bacon, C. (1956) A developmental theory of female homosexuality. In: Perversions,ed, S. Lorand & M. Balint. New York: Gramercy.
    53. Bak, R. C. (1953) Fetishism. JAPA. 1.
    54. Bak, R. C. (1968) The phallic woman. PSOC, 23.
    55. Bak, R. C. & Stewart, W. A. (1974) Fetishism, transvestism, and voyeurism. An American Handbook of Psychiatry, ed. S. Arieti. New York: Basic Books, vol. 3.
    56. Balint, A. (1949) Love for mother and mother-love. IJP, 30.
    57. Balter, L., Lothane, Z. & Spencer, J. H. (1980) On the analyzing instrument, PQ, 49.
    58. Basch, M. F. (1973) Psychoanalysis and theory formation. Ann. Psychoanal., 1.
    59. Basch, M. F. (1976) The concept of affect. JAPA, 24.
    60. Basch, M. F. (1981) Selfobject disorders and psychoanalytic theory. JAPA, 29.
    61. Basch, M. F. (1983) Emphatic understanding. JAPA. 31.
    62. Balldry, F. Character. PMC. Forthcoming.
    63. Balldry, F. (1983) The evolution of the concept of character in Freud's writings. JAPA. 31.
    64. Begelman, D. A. (1971) Misnaming, metaphors, the medical model and some muddles. Psychiatry, 34.
    65. Behrends, R. S. & Blatt, E. J. (1985) Internalization and psychological development throughout the life cycle. PSOC, 40.
    66. Bell, A. (1961) Some observations on the role of the scrotal sac and testicles JAPA, 9.
    67. Benedeck, T. (1949) The psychosomatic implications of the primary unit. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 19.
    68. Beres, C. (1958) Vicissitudes of superego functions and superego precursors in childhood. FSOC, 13.
    69. Beres, D. Conflict. PMC. Forthcoming.
    70. Beres, D. (1956) Ego deviation and the concept of schizophrenia. PSOC, 11.
    71. Beres, D. (1960) Perception, imagination and reality. IJP, 41.
    72. Beres, D. (1960) The psychoanalytic psychology of imagination. JAPA, 8.
    73. Beres, D. & Joseph, E. D. (1965) Structure and function in psychoanalysis. IJP, 46.
    74. Beres, D. (1970) The concept of mental representation in psychoanalysis. IJP, 51.
    75. Berg, M D. (1977) The externalizing transference. IJP, 58.
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    77. Bergman, A. (1978) From mother to the world outside. In: Grolnick et. al. (1978).
    78. Bergmann, M. S. (1980) On the intrapsychic function of falling in love. PQ, 49.
    79. Berliner, B. (1966) Psychodynamics of the depressive character. Psychoanal. Forum, 1.
    80. Bernfeld, S. (1931) Zur Sublimierungslehre. Imago, 17.
    81. Bibring, E. (1937) On the theory of the therapeutic results of psychoanalysis. IJP, 18.
    82. Bibring, E. (1941) The conception of the repetition compulsion. PQ, 12.
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    86. Bion Francesca Abingdon: Fleetwood Press.
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    89. Bion, W. R. (1962) A theory of thinking. IJP, 40.
    90. Bion, W. R. (1962) Learning from Experience. London: William Heinemann.
    91. Bion, W. R. (1963) Elements of Psychoanalysis. London: William Heinemann.
    92. Bion, W. R. (1965) Transformations. London: William Heinemann.
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    94. Bion, W. R. (1985) All My Sins Remembered, ed. Francesca Bion. Adingdon: Fleetwood Press.
    95. Bird, B. (1972) Notes on transference. JAPA, 20.
    96. Blanck, G. & Blanck, R. (1974) Ego Psychology. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
    97. Blatt, S. J. (1974) Levels of object representation in anaclitic and introjective depression. PSOC, 29.
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    99. Bleuler, E. (1911) Dementia Praecox or the Group of Schizophrenias. New York: Int. Univ. Press, 1951.
    100. Blos, P. (1954) Prolonged adolescence. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 24.
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    102. Blos, P. (1972) The epigenesia of the adult neurosis. 27.
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    105. Blum, G. S. (1963) Prepuberty and adolescence, In Studies ed. R. E. Grinder. New York: McMillan.
    106. Blum, H. P. Symbolism. FMC. Forthcoming.
    107. Blum, H. P. (1976) Female Psychology. JAPA, 24 (suppl.).
    108. Blum, H. P. (1976) Masochism, the ego ideal and the psychology of women. JAPA, 24 (suppl.).
    109. Blum, H. P. (1980) The value of reconstruction in adult psychoanalysis. IJP, 61.
    110. Blum, H. P. (1981) Forbidden quest and the analytic ideal. PQ, 50.
    111. Blum, H. P. (1983) Defense and resistance. Foreword. JAFA, 31.
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    113. Boehm, F. (1930) The femininity-complex In men. IJP,11.
    114. Boesky, D. Structural theory. PMC. Forthcoming.
    115. Boesky, D. (1973) Deja raconte as a screen defense. PQ, 42.
    116. Boesky, D. (1982) Acting out. IJP, 63.
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    118. Bornstein, B. (1935) Phobia in a 2 1/2-year-old child. PQ, 4.
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    121. Bowlby, J. (1960) Grief and morning in infancy and early childhood. PSOC. 15.
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    124. Bradlow, P. A. (1973) Depersonalization, ego splitting, non-human fantasy and shame. IJP, 54.
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    128. Brenner, C. (1973) An Elementary Textbook of Psycho-analysis. New York Int. Univ. Press.
    129. Brenner, C. (1974) On the nature and development of affects PQ, 43.
    130. Brenner, C. (1976) Psychoanalytic Technique and Psychic Conflict. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
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    158. Deutsch, H. (1932) Homosexuality in women. PQ, 1.
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    172. Easson, W. M. (1973) The earliest ego development, primitive memory traces, and the Isakower phenomenon. PQ, 42.
    173. Edelheit, H. (1971) Mythopoiesis and the primal scene. Psychoanal. Study Society, 5.
    174. Edgcumbe, R. & Burgner, M. (1972) Some problems in the conceptualization of early object relation ships, part I. PSOC, 27.
    175. Edgcumbe, R. & Burgner, M. (1975) The phallicnarcissistic phase. PSOC, 30.
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    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 16 a muchos niveles

    (adj.) = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA]
    Ex. Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    * * *
    (adj.) = many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA]

    Ex: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.

    Spanish-English dictionary > a muchos niveles

  • 17 a varios niveles

    (adj.) = multilevel [multi-level], at varying levels, many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA]
    Ex. The multi-level judgements, by which users can evaluate documents on a more general relevance scale, are also useful for estimating the discriminating power.
    Ex. The establishment of IT in both the housekeeping and information operations makes it necessary to cater for these kinds of facilities at varying levels.
    Ex. Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    * * *
    (adj.) = multilevel [multi-level], at varying levels, many-levelled [many-leveled, -USA]

    Ex: The multi-level judgements, by which users can evaluate documents on a more general relevance scale, are also useful for estimating the discriminating power.

    Ex: The establishment of IT in both the housekeeping and information operations makes it necessary to cater for these kinds of facilities at varying levels.
    Ex: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.

    Spanish-English dictionary > a varios niveles

  • 18 alfabetismo funcional

    Ex. A functional literacy approach is a method used to teach people how to read well enough to function in a complex society.
    * * *

    Ex: A functional literacy approach is a method used to teach people how to read well enough to function in a complex society.

    Spanish-English dictionary > alfabetismo funcional

  • 19 alfabetización funcional

    Ex. A functional literacy approach is a method used to teach people how to read well enough to function in a complex society.
    * * *

    Ex: A functional literacy approach is a method used to teach people how to read well enough to function in a complex society.

    Spanish-English dictionary > alfabetización funcional

  • 20 apiñar

    1 to pile up, to heap up.
    La chica apiña su ropa sucia The girl piles up her dirty clothes.
    2 to cram, to bunch, to jam, to stuff.
    Elsa apiñó los libros en su bolso Elsa crammed her books in her bag.
    * * *
    1 (apretar) to pack, press together, jam
    1 to crowd (en, into)
    * * *
    * * *
    VT (=agrupar) to crowd together, bunch together; (=apretar) to pack in; [+ espacio] to overcrowd, congest
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to cram, pack
    apiñarse v pron gente to crowd together
    * * *
    = pack in, pack 'em in, pack, cramp.
    Ex. This approach allows the construction of concise summaries, containing complex sentences that pack in information.
    Ex. The article 'New York packs 'em in; Martinez bows out' describes the ALA Annual Conference in New York noting the high attendance figures the unexpected decision of the chief executive of the ALA, Elizabeth Martinez, to resign.
    Ex. Because it is such a competitive market, nightclubs are constantly reinventing themselves and places that are packed one weekend are deserted the next.
    Ex. The goals are to reduce stress on the fingers and wrists and to keep your hands in a natural position rather than cramping them together.
    * apiñar en = cram into.
    * apiñarse = cluster, crowd, huddle.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to cram, pack
    apiñarse v pron gente to crowd together
    * * *
    = pack in, pack 'em in, pack, cramp.

    Ex: This approach allows the construction of concise summaries, containing complex sentences that pack in information.

    Ex: The article 'New York packs 'em in; Martinez bows out' describes the ALA Annual Conference in New York noting the high attendance figures the unexpected decision of the chief executive of the ALA, Elizabeth Martinez, to resign.
    Ex: Because it is such a competitive market, nightclubs are constantly reinventing themselves and places that are packed one weekend are deserted the next.
    Ex: The goals are to reduce stress on the fingers and wrists and to keep your hands in a natural position rather than cramping them together.
    * apiñar en = cram into.
    * apiñarse = cluster, crowd, huddle.

    * * *
    apiñar [A1 ]
    to cram, pack, squash
    to crowd together
    se apiñaban a la entrada they crowded together o massed around the entrance
    un pequeño pueblo apiñado en torno a una vieja iglesia a small village clustered o huddled around an old church
    * * *
    to pack
    * * *
    v/t pack, squash
    * * *
    : to pack, to cram

    Spanish-English dictionary > apiñar

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